
  • 网络Tales of mystery and the supernatural
  1. 论六朝志怪小说婚恋故事的分离原则

    The Separation Principle for Marriage and Love in Tales of Mystery and the Supernatural in the Six Dynasties

  2. 将魏晋志怪小说中的蛇故事分类,同时也联系到宗教、民俗、图腾的某些方面,进行整理把握,逐一探索。

    Classifying the novels of snake in the tales of mystery and the supernatural of Wei , Jin , and connecting with certain aspects of religion , folk custom and totem , the author sorts them out and discusses them one by one .

  3. 魏晋六朝志怪小说情爱作品中的女性形象

    Female Image In the Weird Fictions During the Wei Jin Dynasties

  4. 《夷坚志》是宋代规模最大的志怪小说集。

    YiJianZhi is the largest collection of ghost stories in Song Dynasty .

  5. 古代志怪小说本体价值观的演变

    Evolution of Ontic Values of Ghost Novels in Ancient China

  6. 总之,神仙思想丰富了小说内容与情节,同时有利于志怪小说中神仙和鬼怪形象塑造。

    In short , the novel concept of immortality rich content and plot .

  7. 论六朝志怪小说角色设计的悲剧性

    On the Tragedy or the Role Design in Liu Chao 's Monster-writing Story

  8. 谐趣、勇敢、爱情是魏晋志怪小说表现生命意识的三大主题。

    Humors , bravery and love are the three themes which express life consciousness .

  9. 汉神学政治与杂记体志怪小说之形成

    Theology Politics of Han Dynasty and the Form of Scholars 's Novel about Ghost

  10. 佛教灵验类志怪小说是伴随着佛教中国化的过程而产生的。

    The supernatural tales of Buddhism telepathy emerged with the process of Buddhism in China .

  11. 神仙与凡人的关系在汉魏六朝志怪小说中经历了一个逐渐转变的过程。

    Chinese immortal idea had changed a lot in the Qin and Han Dynasty time .

  12. 在英国,它隶属于超自然小说。志怪小说和超自然小说本身在各自的文学史上也处于边缘地位。

    Neither Zhi Guai nor supernatural fictions are in the mainstream in the literary history .

  13. 将动物人性化是保存下来的早期志怪小说的主要内容。

    To humanize animals is one of the most glaring contents in the age-old tales of mystery .

  14. 英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说比较研究

    The English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties : A Comparative Study

  15. 六朝志怪小说叙事艺术新论

    A New View on the Art of Narration in the Supernatural Stories in the Northern and Southern Dynasties

  16. 在中国,它隶属于志怪小说;在英国,它隶属于超自然小说。

    In China , it pertains to Zhi Guai , while in Britain it belongs to supernatural fiction .

  17. 志怪小说中个体单位量词数量最多,使用频率较高,发展较成熟。

    Quantity of individual unit classifiers are most , the frequency of use is high , the development is mature .

  18. 明清志怪小说和18世纪英国哥特小说叙事艺术比较研究

    The Narrative Art Comparative Study on the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Ming-Qing Dynasties and the 18th Century British Gothic Novels

  19. 文言小说中的志怪小说和通俗小说中的神魔小说实际上都涉及到神这一形象群体。

    The novel novel and classical Chinese novels supernatural evil-spirit novels actually popular fiction all involved " god " this image group .

  20. 将英国哥特小说与中国六朝志怪小说加以比较研究,是一个新的富于挑战性的课题。

    This Dissertation attempts to do a comparative study of the English Gothic Novels and the Chinese Supernatural Tales in the Six Dynasties .

  21. 此外,这部小说将志怪小说的神怪体系加以完善,对鬼怪世界做了进一步的充实和扩建。

    In addition , this novel has improved the genie system of myths and novels , strengthened and expanded the world of ghosts .

  22. 这些女性形象既有继承六朝志人志怪小说的部分,又有自己的新特点。

    The image of these women is somewhat similar to those of Ghost Stories of the Six Dynasties but has its own new features .

  23. 中国志怪小说中反映的城隍信仰起源于远古的土地神崇拜。

    The Town-god worship encountered often in the mystery chinese stories ( ancient Chinese fantastic fiction ), originated in a primitive worship of gnomes .

  24. 在志怪小说中,人物一出场通过相术就能预测其命运,预示小说情节的发展。

    In the mysterious novels , an appearance of the character can predict his fate played by physiognomy and indicate the novel plot development .

  25. 魏晋南北朝时期,志怪小说初次以蓬勃的面貌出现在我们面前,方士是其兴盛的一个重要因素。

    During Wei , Jin , Northern and Southern Dynasties , supernatural tales began to flourish . Alchemist was an important factor in the flourishing .

  26. “全人型”阶段蛇意象在唐前志怪小说中的再现

    The Reappearance of the Image of Snake During the Phase of the Whole Human Shape in the Tales of Mystery and the Supernature before Tang Dynasty

  27. 鬼故事在魏晋南北朝志怪小说中被大量记载,成为了魏晋南北朝志怪小说中最富吸引力的一部分。

    As an unique story type , the ghost story become a hotspot of weird novel research in recent years and researchers pay more attention on it .

  28. 魏晋志怪小说中有影射夫妇关系和家庭生活的内容,志人小说中有描写家庭生活的篇章;

    There are some elements concerning family life and the relationship between man and wife in the grotesque fiction and personal records of the Wei and Jin Dynasties ;

  29. 吴承恩一生都对志怪小说(比如作为《西游记》成书基础的口笔头民问故事)非常感兴趣。

    Throughout his life he displayed a marked interest in bizarre stories , such as the set of oral and written folktales that formed the basis of Xiyouji .

  30. 《搜神记》作为魏晋南北朝时期志怪小说的代表,鲁迅先生曾说:二十卷本《搜神记》是一部半真半假的书籍。

    Stories of Immortals is the representative of the ghost novels in the Wei-Jin-South-North period . Lu Xun said that the twenty-volum Stories of Immortals was half-genuine and half-sham .