
  • 网络process;psychological journey;Journey Of The Heart
  1. 她笔下的女性往往经历迷失、逃避、重生的心路历程。

    The female characters in her novels always experience the process of getting lost , escape , and rebirth .

  2. 清纯世界与世俗人生的较量&铁凝小说创作心路历程

    The Comparison between the Pure World and the Conventional Life & Ning Xin 's Mental Process in her Novel Creation

  3. 我已历经这种种心路历程

    I have gone through many of these things

  4. 心路历程&食物PCR检测食源性吸虫的研究进展

    Progress of PCR for detection of food - borne trematodes

  5. 生鲜物流JIT配送效益分析心路历程&食物

    The Profit Analysis of JIT Distribution in the Fresh Food Logistics

  6. WANG同学和到会的学生和家长们交流了在新加坡求学就业的心路历程,以及获得新加坡永久居民权的亲身感受。

    WANG QIAN communicated with students and their parents for the experience of studying and working in Singapore , and also the feeling about getting the permanent resident qualification in Signore .

  7. 阿尔芭曾被评为2012年《财富》(Fortune)最具影响力的女创业家(MostPowerfulWomenEntrepreneurs)。她对《财富》杂志讲述了她创建诚实公司的心路历程,以及如何以名人的身份向风险投资家融资。

    Alba , one of Fortune 's Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs in 2012 , spoke with Fortune about Honest Co. and what it 's like to raise money from venture capitalists as a celebrity .

  8. 运用阿德勒的个体心理学(individualpsychology)理论探讨卡夫卡对事物独特的体验、感受方式和对生活、生命的领悟方式形成的直接原因,并且得出卡夫卡创作的心路历程就是超越自卑的过程的结论。

    Utilizing Adler 's theory of individual psychology , the author probes into the direct Kafka 's unique experience and perception of life and concludes that Kafka 's psychological experience in writing is the very process of surpassing the inferiority complex .

  9. 《第二次机器革命》(TheSecondMachineAge)的合著者安德鲁•麦卡菲(AndrewMcAfee)称自己乘坐谷歌(Google)自动驾驶汽车的心路历程是“15分钟内从害怕到兴奋到索然无味”。

    Andrew McAfee , co-author of The Second Machine Age , describes the experience of being transported in one of Google 's self-driving cars as going " from terrifying to thrilling to boring in 15 minutes . "

  10. 回家之后,Keir饱受相思之苦,于是在Facebook上建了一个群。回顾这一段时间的心路历程,他说:“上周从Cardiff回Bristol的火车上,一个漂亮女孩的出现让我眼前一亮。”

    Onboard he saw a girl with a blue hair band , sparking the beginning of the search 。 Chronicling his quest on the website he wrote : " On the train back to Bristol from Cardiff last week , a gorgeous girl in my carriage really caught my eye . "

  11. 心路历程:巴尔扎克文艺思想的发展过程。

    Soul course : the development of Balzac 's literary ideology .

  12. 心路历程&食物广告(英文)中英文食品广告的对话性分析

    Dialogic Approach to the Analysis of English and Chinese Food Advertisements

  13. 一起食源性群体旋毛虫感染调查报告心路历程&食物

    Report on investigation of a crowd food-borne infection of trichinellosis

  14. 丹江口水库的饵料生物资源及水体营养状态评价心路历程&食物

    The assessment of food organism resources and trophic states of Danjiangkou Reservoir

  15. 2002年湖北省学校食源性疾病的发生状况及对策心路历程&食物

    Prevalence of collective food-borne diseases in schools of Hubei Province in 2002

  16. 心路历程&食物中国连锁超市生鲜农产品经营研究

    Research on Management of Fresh Food in Supermarket in China

  17. 心路历程&食物每天均需观察动物一般行为活动、进食量,并在给药期间每隔2周观察动物体重变化。

    The behavior , food intake and avoirdupois of animals were observed .

  18. 大孔树脂在食品活性成分分离中的应用心路历程&食物

    Application of macroporous resin in separation of active components in food industry

  19. 心路历程&教育(英文)独立学院实行教育股份制的探索

    The exploration of the independent institute practicing the education joint stock system

  20. 中国价值哲学:心路历程、理论困境与现实出路

    China 's Value Philosophy : History , Theoretical Puzzles and Way Out

  21. 这三个方面系统阐释了他对于近代新文化所做出的贡献。胡愈之的心路历程和思想脉络与中国新文化运动同步发展。

    Hu Yuzhi 's thoughts advanced with the Chinese modern new culture .

  22. 公木诗歌世界的心路历程与人文精神

    The Mind and Spirit of Poems by Gong Mu

  23. 中国现代知识分子的心路历程

    An Analysis on the Special Features of the Chinese Intellectuals in Modern Times

  24. 空虚·彷徨·过失&约翰·契弗短篇小说人物的心路历程

    On the Psychological Pilgrimage of John Cheever 's Characters in His Short Fiction

  25. 是微贷给了我融资机会&一个大学生创业期间获得贷款支持的心路历程

    It is micro - financing provided loan for me

  26. 50起家庭细菌性食物中毒流行病学调查分析心路历程&食物

    Epidemiological research and analysis of 50 outbreaks of bacterial food poisoning in households

  27. 从诗歌文本看戴望舒心路历程

    Inner Life of Poet Dai Wang-shu : From the Perspective of Poem Text

  28. 成长的心路历程&读薇拉·凯瑟的《我的安东妮亚》

    The Course of Psychological Growth & On Willa Cather s My Antonia ;

  29. 具随机扰动食物有限模型的参数估计及其渐近分布心路历程&食物

    Estimation of Parameters and Asymptotic Distribution of Food-Limit Species Model with Random Perturbation

  30. 心路历程&教训(英文)世界农业科技服务体系比较与借鉴

    Compare and Draw Lessons from the World Agricultural Research and Extension Services System