
  • 网络mental element
  1. 詹姆斯的意识流思想不仅破除了西方传统哲学的心理元素主义,为未来的哲学发展开辟了新的道路,而且又从哲学的视角阐释了意识流思想的特点、意义和目的。

    Not only does the stream of consciousness eradicate traditional western Psychological elements ', but also opens up a new field for the future philosophy .

  2. 换句话讲,新词语在某种程度上反映了一个民族在一定历史时期的社会信仰、风俗习惯,展示了与那一时代密切相关的文化、体制和心理元素。

    In other words , new words in a way a reflection of a nation at a certain historical period of social beliefs , customs , and demonstrated time and that is closely related to the cultural , institutional and psychological elements .

  3. 因此我们参考类型电影并不是要照搬其模式套路,而是借鉴它对应观众心理的元素和姿态。

    It is thus clear that to take the type film for reference does not mean to copy its model or skills , but to draw lessons from its elements and attitudes corresponding with the psychology of audiences .

  4. 心理时空里的元素不再来自于外部环境,而是来自于人物的内心世界。

    The elements of psychological space-time are no longer from the objective environment , but from characters ' mental world .