
xīn yīn xìnɡ
  • psychogenic
  1. 分裂症亚组和情感障碍亚组中X染色质频率高于神经症亚组和心因性精神障碍亚组。

    The average frequency of X chromatin in the female patients of the schizophrenia subgroup and the affective disorder subgroup were higher than that of neurosis and psychogenic mental disorder subgroup .

  2. 目的通过对颅脑损伤后综合症(Postconcussionsyndrome,PCS)患者和非颅脑损伤的骨科患者的心理测评和对比分析,探讨PCS的精神症状是器质性的还是心因性的。

    Objective To evaluate whether the postconcussion syndrome ( PCS ) in patients with mild cranial injury were produced by organic or psychogenic factor .

  3. 目的探讨心因性ed患者的心理特征和心理治疗。

    Objective to investigate the psychological characteristics and psychotherapy of the patients with inorganic ed.

  4. 例如伦敦的一个律师卡米拉(Camilla),在被奥沙利文证明为心因性疾病之前,她曾经被诊断出患有癫痫。

    Consider Camilla , a lawyer in London , who had been diagnosed with epilepsy before O'Sullivan managed to show that it was psychogenic .

  5. 结论:通过质量管理活动,改变了医护人员服务理念、服务方式,规范和建立了男性生殖健康疾病防治体系,开拓了心因性ed诊治新途径。

    Conclusion : the conception of nursing care and ways of service in nurses has been changed and a standard prevention system is established through the management of quality of service , moreover find a new way in the diagnosis and treatment of psychogenic ed.

  6. 连续口服枸橼酸西地那非治疗顽固性及心因性勃起功能障碍的疗效分析

    Continuous oral viagra for the treatment of refractory psychogenic erectile dysfunction

  7. 目的心因性言语障碍是属常见的心理障碍疾病之一。

    Objectives : Psychological Speech Impediment is one of common psychological diseases .

  8. 结论儿童心因性疾病并不少见。

    Conclusion The psychogenic diseases in childhood were not rare .

  9. 结论对心因性牙痛患者采用心理治疗方法,疗效显著。

    Conclusion Psychotherapy is effective in treatment of psychogenic toothache .

  10. 心因性精神障碍司法精神鉴定责任能力的多因素分析

    Discrimination Analysis of Forensic Psychiatry Responsibility in Patients with Psychogenic Mental Disorder

  11. 心因性言语障碍的诊断、治疗与分析

    Diagnosis , Treatment and Analysis of Psychological Speech Impediment

  12. 心因性勃起功能障碍患者的心理治疗结果分析(附13例报告)切口疝发生原因探讨

    Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy of the patients with ED Etiological analysis of incisional hernia

  13. 结果两起发热事件均属心因性发热。

    Results Two accidents were psychogenic colony fever .

  14. 慢性酒精性肝病病人心因性因素的调查分析及临床干预

    Investigation and clinical intervention on cardiogenic factors of patients with chronic alcoholic liver disease

  15. 小儿心因性疾病临床探讨

    Clinical exploration of psychogenic diseases in childhood

  16. 目的探讨儿童心因性疾病的临床特点。

    Objective To elucidate the clinical characteristics and the diagnosis of psychogenic disease in childhood .

  17. 而西医有的诊此病为癔病、心因性精神障碍值得商榷。

    Some Western hysteria diagnosis for the disease , cardiac disorder is open to question .

  18. 心因性牙痛临床治疗研究

    The clinical therapy of psychogenic toothache

  19. 目的探讨枸橼酸西地那非(商品名为万艾可)在治疗顽固性、心因性勃起功能障碍中的地位。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of continuous oral Viagra for refractory psychogenic erectile dysfunction .

  20. 心因性勃起功能障碍的综合治疗服刑犯人心因性精神异常的比较分析

    The comprehensive treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction Analysis of psychological factors on criminals ' mental disorders

  21. 生殖健康质量管理小组在治疗心因性勃起功能障碍中的实践

    Practice of the group for reproduction health on management of quality in the treatment of psychogenic ED

  22. 问题行为是指个体在社会化的过程中由于各种心因性和外因性的因素所导致的社会适应不良。

    In the process of socialization , negative social adaptation could be resulted by various psychological and external factors .

  23. 生活事件不但与心因性精神障碍有着密切关系,而且在情感性障碍、神经症中起着一定的作用。

    The life events not only closely related to psychogenic psychosis , but played some action in affective disorder and neurosis .

  24. 我们报告一个在急性心肌梗塞并发心因性休克时在非梗塞冠状动脉的痉孪。

    We report a case of coronary artery spasm of the non-infarct-related arteries during an acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock .

  25. 目前,在司法精神病学鉴定中,尚缺乏心因性精神障碍与犯罪行为关系方面的报告。

    The literature is devoid of reports on the relationship between psychogenic mental disorder ( PMD ) and criminal behavior ( CB ) .

  26. 方法分析总结66例儿童心因性疾病临床与辅助资料。

    Method A retrospective clinical study of 66 cases with child psychogenic diseases was carried out based on the data from the patients records .

  27. 结果外来人员鉴定的有责任能力者比例较高,心因性精神障碍较多,本地组危害行为后果更严重。

    Results A higher proportion of temporary residents were considered to have responsibility , and exhibited more psychogenic disorder than that in permanent residents .

  28. 心因性口吃始于大脑中控制思维和推理的区域。和精神疾病密切相关。

    Psychogenetic stuttering begins in the area of the brain that controls thoughts and reasoning . It 's most commonly associated with mental illness .

  29. 道琼斯指数上涨117点,而纳斯达克指数回升30点。也曾有人指出心因性休克及猝死与心肌架桥有关。

    The Dow shot up 117 points , while the NASDAQ rallied 30 . Cardiogenic shock and sudden death have also been attributed to myocardial bridging .

  30. 结论过度通气综合征除呼吸困难外还常有其他众多症状,但查体都无异常,且常有明显的心因性诱因。

    Conclusion Besides dyspnea , hyperventilation syndrome has many other symptoms as well as cardiac inducement , but it has no abnormal findings in physical and CT examination .