
  • 网络German Education
  1. 目前,KPK教材还处于实验阶段,这也反映了德国教育工作者治学严谨的态度。

    At present , the KPK textbooks still at the experimental stage , it also reflects the German education workers rigor attitude .

  2. 德国教育现状的考察及其思考

    Observations and Thoughts on the Present Situation of German Education

  3. 德国教育界批判线形教学的十条论据

    Ten Arguments of Critique on Linear Teaching in German Educational Field

  4. 她是瑞典人,接受的是德国教育。

    She was a Swede by birth , a German by education .

  5. 德国教育与学生创造潜能的开发

    German education and the development of students ' creative potentialities Creative productivity

  6. 德意志宗教改革对德国教育深远影响的分析

    Analysis of the Profound Effect of the German Reformation

  7. 20世纪上半叶的德国教育现代化进程

    The German Education Modernization Drive in the First Half of the 20th Century

  8. 试论近代德国教育改革

    On the German Educational Reform of Modern Times

  9. 这一时期,德国教育与现代化建设紧密相联系,德国教育的发展使得德国的经济实力和综合国力得到了突飞猛进的发展。

    During this period , the education was closely related to the modernization drive .

  10. 赴德国教育考察印象

    The Impression of Germany Education during observation

  11. 德国教育技术发展研究

    The Research on German Educational Technology Development

  12. 近代史上日本、美国、德国教育改革经验探讨

    An Inquiry into the Education Reforms of Japan , America and German in Modern Times

  13. 近代工业化时期,德国教育适应社会发展的要求,进行了发展和调整。

    During the modern industrialization German education developed and adjusted itself in order to meet the needs of social development .

  14. 19世纪上半期,在第一次工业革命冲击下,德国教育事业开始取得较快发展。

    In the first half of 19th century German education , under the influence of the first Industrial Revolution began its development .

  15. 我国教育语境下的“素质教育”,在德国教育界多被称为“关键能力培养”或“关键素质培养”。

    Character education is named " cultivation of key abilities " or " cultivation of key characters " by German education class .

  16. 16世纪开始的教育和宗教的逐步分离是德国教育现代化的基础。

    The gradual separation of education from religion which began in the 16th century is the basis of German 's modernization of education .

  17. 1868年明治维新以后,日本先后以法国、美国和德国教育为样板,仅用几十年的时间就建立起了近代国家主义教育体制。

    After Meiji Revolution in 1868 , Japan , taking the education of France , the United States and Germany as models , established its modern educational system of nationalism in only two decades .

  18. 德国教育学在发展过程中具有一种非常明显和深刻的教学论传统,在对教育的各个领域开展的探讨中,作为教育科学的心脏的教学论研究受到了特别广泛的重视。

    The development of German education presents a kind of obvious and impressive didactics ' tradition . The study on didactics is highly regarded as the heart of education in the exploration of educational areas .

  19. 其中,狄尔泰在历史部分通过对漫长西方教育史,尤其是德国教育史的发展轨迹与重大问题的解剖,得出了当时流行的普遍有效教育体系不可能的结论。

    Dilthey in the " history " part concluded that prevailing education systems of universal effect were impossible through anatomizing western education history , especially the developing locus and important questions of German education history .

  20. 本文通过分析瑞士新加坡、德国教育分流的政策以及影响,发现合理的教育分流为杰出人才的成长做出了巨大的贡献。

    This paper analyzes Switzerland , Singapore , Germany and other countries and the impact of education policy of segregation , education and diversion to find a reasonable growth of talented people made a great contribution .

  21. 本文拟从德国教育改革入手,揭示出德国教育改革与早期现代化之间的关系。文章分三个部分进行论述。

    This paper intends to begin with the educational reform of Germany and to reveal the relationship between the educational reform of Germany and the early modernization , which are to be discussed in the following three parts .

  22. 而基于文化与教育之间的主动和被动适应关系,20世纪的德国教育则形成并发展了三阶段公立学校制度、双元制职业教育、各州文化主权以及大学的理想神话。

    To adapt to the complicated relationship between culture and education , German education had gradually taken the form of 3-level public school system , duality system of vocational education , culture sovereignty of every state , and the ideal myth of universities .

  23. 从近代史上日本、美国、德国教育的状况,阐述教育的重要性及其影响作用&教育发展,人才倍出,经济腾飞,国家富强。

    This article , based on the study of educational situations and influences of modern Japan , America and German , expounds the importances and functions of education . Educational development has cultivated numerous , talented person and fully activated economy , consequently making the countries prosperous and strong .

  24. 基于德国大学教育模式的FMS实验室建设

    FMS Lab Construction Based on German Higher Education Model

  25. 从1998年开始,德国高等教育发展中心发布了CHE大学排名,这一排名在国际上引起了广泛的关注。

    The Center for Higher Education Development in Germany started to release CHE university ranking in1998 .

  26. 德国政治教育有深厚的传统和底蕴,其政治教育的概念与内涵与德语政治(Politik)的语源及德国古典人文主义Bildung教育观有深刻的渊源。

    Political education ( Politische Bildung ) of Germany has profound tradition and details , its concept and connotation have close relationship with the derivation of german " Politik " and the " Bildung " conception of classical humanism .

  27. 文章介绍了德国职业教育中的双元半制。

    The article introduces Germany professional education , especially semi-two-training system .

  28. 论19世纪前期德国高等教育改革

    Discussion on the High Education of Germany in the 19 Century

  29. 德国教师教育的新标准及启示

    New Criteria for Teacher Education in Germany and Their Implications

  30. 制度因素对德国职业教育的制约作用

    The Restrictions from the System Factors on German Vocational Education