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  • Texas
  1. 如美国德州仪器、台湾太欣等公司生产的图像DSP芯片,其输出的图像具有非常好的效果。

    Such as the DSP chips , produced by Texas Instruments and Tai-Xin Companies .

  2. 如果你用德州钓组挂TUBE跑鱼了,他们又可能会更容易咬中一条6寸的蜥蜴。

    If you 're losing fish on a Texas rigged tube , they might eat a6-inch lizard better .

  3. 德克萨斯州非盈利组织DefenseDistributed是由一名年仅25岁的德州大学法律系学生科迪•威尔森创办的。

    Texas-based defense distributed , founded by 25-year-old University of Texas law student Cody Wilson , has given Forbes .

  4. 在德州,大部分人不喝茶喝咖啡,tea这个词带有侮辱性质。

    In Texas , where most people choose coffee over tea , the word tea can be an insult .

  5. 鲁西北农业旅游的SWOT分析&以山东省德州市为例

    Agricultural Tourism in Northwest Shandong Province Based on SWOT Analysis

  6. 基于Logistic回归模型的德州市城市建设用地扩张驱动力分析

    Analysis of the Driving Forces of Urban Sprawl in Dezhou City Based on a Logistic Regression Model

  7. 德州市城市化进程中的SWOT分析与路径选择

    The SWOT analysis and Path Selection of Dezhou Urbanization

  8. HP和德州仪器在后九洞,顺着第十洞的方向。

    HP and Texas Instruments had their offices on the back nine , along the tenth hole .

  9. 心理学家JeffTemple是德州医科大学加尔维斯顿分校助理教授。

    Psychologist Jeff Temple is an assistant professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston .

  10. 我刚从德州仪器在达拉斯举行的编辑日(Editor'sDay)活动归来,见了他们在很多领域的工程师和营销人员。

    I 'm just back from an Editor 's Day event at Texas Instruments ( TI ) in Dallas , and met with many of their engineers and marketers in diverse application areas .

  11. 一个茶党出身的德州参议员,Ted。

    And a Texas senate named Ted , who came from the Tea party .

  12. 德州大学奥斯汀分校(universityoftexasataustin)有自己的高功率激光器,2008年其脉冲功率达到1.1拍瓦。

    And the University of Texas at Austin has its own high-power laser , which hit the 1.1-petawatt mark in 2008 .

  13. PeterRoland博士这样说道,他是德州大学西南医学中心耳鼻喉学主席,也是此项研究的作者之一。

    Peter Roland , chairman of otolaryngology at UT Southwestern and one of the study 's authors .

  14. 格雷戈里·范韦斯(GregoryFenves)最近晋升要职,从德州大学奥斯汀分校(UniversityofTexasatAustin)教务长升任校长。

    Gregory Fenves recently got a big promotion , from provost to president of the University of Texas at Austin .

  15. 该中心设在德州的玫瑰谷(GlenRose),为这种独特的濒危鸟类进行着了一种圈养繁殖计划。

    The center , located in Glen Rose , Texas , runs a captive-breeding program for these unique , endangered birds .

  16. 银行还推出了特许经营收入担保的证券,比如餐厅连锁索尼克(Sonic)和德州炸鸡(Church'sChicken)等等。

    Bankers have also come up with securities backed by franchise revenue for the restaurant chains Sonic and Church 's Chicken , among others .

  17. 今年春节期间,她在iPad上同朋友们聊天,打打德州扑克,过得不亦乐乎。

    She enjoys chatting with her friends or playing Texas Hold ' em Poker on her iPad over this festive season .

  18. 据德州农工交通运输研究所(TexasA&MTransportationInstitute)数据,在大城市开车通勤的人一年有52小时因为堵在车流里而白白浪费。

    In big cities , car commuters waste 52 hours a year stuck in traffic , according to the Texas A & M Transportation Institute , College Station , Texas .

  19. Yiddish:意第绪语,依地语east:东方的Texas:美国德克萨斯州在德州东部不说犹太人的依地语(注:Howard是犹太人)就算曾经使用过,也没用多久。

    Yiddish was not spoken in East Texas . And if it was , it wasn 't spoken for long . -

  20. 0接口技术是由Intel,惠普,微软,NEC,ST-爱立信以及德州仪器几家公司共同开发的。

    The specification was developed by Intel , Hewlett-Packard , Microsoft , NEC , ST-Ericsson , and Texas Instruments .

  21. 在德州玫瑰谷的FossilRim野生动物中心,一只几周大的阿特沃特草原鸡正在它精致的小窝中休息。

    Photograph by Joel Sartore A weeks-old Attwater 's prairie-chicken perches in a delicate nest in Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose , Texas .

  22. 1960年,美国德州仪器(TexasInstruments)在日本申请集成电路这一20世纪后半期最为重要的发明之一的专利权。

    In1960 , Texas Instruments filed a patent in Japan for the integrated circuit , arguably one of the most important inventions of the second half of the20th century .

  23. 苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)最近都承诺要扩大在奥斯丁的业务,而其他一些企业也在改变结构,以利用德州的政策。

    Apple ( AAPL ) and Samsung have both recently pledged to expand their presence in Austin while other companies are changing their structure to take advantage of the state .

  24. 其实,当美国德州仪器公司(texasinstruments)后来推出一个内置这个模型的畅销计算器时,这家电子集团甚至拒绝给这些学者提供一些免费样品。

    Indeed , when Texas Instruments , the electronics group , subsequently launched a best-selling calculator that incorporated the model , it even refused to provide free samples to the academics .

  25. 德州理工大学的政治学教授格雷格R穆雷说,不管美国人是否意识到了这一点,但美国人确实更喜欢高个子的领导人,这一喜好可以追溯到早期人类社会。

    Americans , whether they know it or not , prefer taller leaders , a preference that dates back to the dawn of the human race , said Texas Tech University political science professor Gregg R. Murray .

  26. DarlaWhitaker是德州仪器高级副总裁。

    Darla Whitaker is a senior vice president at Texas Instruments .

  27. 本文以德州电业局创一流管理信息系统为例,详细介绍了企业Web站点资料上传、查询的设计与实现方法

    This paper illustrates the design and implementation of uploading documents to and searching for information on the enterprise 's Web server with an example of Management Information System for First Class Achievement by Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Electric Power Industry . STATISTICAL DATA

  28. 为使数字信号处理(DSP)算法具有更好的可移植性,介绍了一种符合TI(德州仪器)标准化规范的DSP实时实现方案。

    In order to afford the reuse of DSP algorithm on different platforms , a DSP real-time implementation scheme of TI standard-compliant algorithm is presented . It defines a set of requirements for DSP algorithms .

  29. TMS320C28X系列处理器是德州仪器公司为工业控制领域设计的新一代DSP处理器。

    The TMS320C28X series processor is new DSP designed by TX Instroment Company for the industry control area .

  30. 兰迪・克吕弗(RandyKluver),德州农工大学(TexasA&MUniversity)传播学副教授:最被人忽略的影响在于互联网的地缘政治方面。

    Randy Kluver , an associate professor of communication at Texas A & M University : ' The most neglected aspect of the impact is in the geopolitics of the Internet .