
  • 网络microeconomic policy;Micro-Economic Policy
  1. 工党政府的宏观经济政策、微观经济政策改革支撑了英国经济的平稳增长;社会政策改革推动了福利国家向社会投资国家的转型,增强了社会福利支出对经济发展的促进作用。

    The macro - and micro-economic policy reforms have paved a way to Britain 's stable and rapid economic growth , and the transformation of Britain 's traditional welfare state to the " social investment state " model has enhanced the role of social public expenditure in economic development .

  2. 依据福利经济学和微观经济政策理论,对公路服务业实施政府公共管制的原因、方法和内容进行了研究。

    According to welfare economics and theory of microeconomic policy , the reason , content and method of government regulation for road service are studied .

  3. 既无微观经济政策层里的本果,也无企业本身外部管理的本果。

    Except of the reason of the macroscopic economic policy , there is also the reason of enterprise internal management .

  4. 微观经济政策旨在通过鼓励实业,效率和灵活性共同努力提高市场竞争力。

    Microeconomic policies were aimed at working with the grain of market forces by encouraging enterprise , efficiency and flexibility .

  5. 撒切尔政府运用宏观经济政策和微观经济政策,采取了许多措施提高经济效益。

    Mrs. Thatcher 's government took numerous measures to improve the efficiency of the economy during the past decade , using both macroeconomic and microeconomic policies .

  6. 在经济方面,双方表示他们达成了90多项成果,包括微观经济政策和金融领域。

    On the economic track , the two sides say they dealt with upward of 90 different issues , covering areas such as macro-economic policies and finance .

  7. 但该国微观经济政策极为糟糕,腐败吓退投资者,国企排挤私企,经济多元化计划未能成功。

    But microeconomic policy is lousy . Corruption deters investors . State companies elbow out private ones . Plans to diversify the economy have been a failure .

  8. 文章分别论述了宏观经济调控政策与微观经济规制政策的内容、有效性及存在理由。

    The paper discusses macroeconomic regulation policy and microeconomic regulation policys content , validity , and existence reason respectively .

  9. 微观经济问题和政策股

    Micro-economic Issues and Policy Unit

  10. 它的主要理念一是偏爱损害就业的微观经济与产业政策,二是拥护通缩性宏观经济政策。

    Its ruling spirits combine a penchant for micro and industrial policies that destroy jobs with an espousal of deflationary macro policies .

  11. 微观经济主体对货币政策反应不灵与货币政策实施的宏观经济环境不完善是导致我国货币政策传导梗阻和货币政策有效性不佳的重要原因。

    The ineffective reaction to monetary policy of micro-economic subject and imperfect macro-economy environment are the two important reasons causing the conducting obstruction and poor monetary policy effect .