
  1. 联想去年利用新浪微博的微简历服务举行了一场招聘活动。

    Lenovo last year held a recruiting campaign using Weibo 's micro-resumes .

  2. 今年五月,微简历成为大热门,因为大学应届毕业生们正准备进军职场。

    " Microresumes " have become especially popular this May , as prospective university graduates are getting ready to enter the workforce .

  3. 在评估了全部微简历后,该公司选出一些简历,并请求职者提供完整简历,以便开始正式招聘流程。

    After reviewing all of the 140-character resumes , the company selected and then requested full resumes to start a formal recruiting process .

  4. 某网络广告公司的人力资源总监王栋(音译)则表示,他本人对微简历持谨慎态度。

    Wang Dong , a human resources director working for an online advertising company , says that he is very cautious when dealing with microresumes .

  5. 部分网友上传微简历似乎只是为了搞笑,并非确实想以此找到一份工作。

    Some of the microresumes posted online seem to be posted just for their humorous content , rather than for the purpose of actually finding a job .

  6. 将它作为一个起点:一份微简历或许是个不错的主意,但你也需要你的雇主更多地去了解你。

    Use it as the starting point : A # Twesume might be a good idea , but you 'll also want prospective employers to learn more about you .

  7. 他建议,一份微简历要想获得青睐,必须简明扼要、突出重点,如果有的话,可以在微简历上附加个人网站的链接。

    He suggests that good microresumes should be clear and tightly focused , with links to the poster ` s personal website , if he or she has one .

  8. 阮欣(音译)是深圳一家公司的高级经理,他近日也在微博上发布微简历,希望能找到份更好的工作。

    Ruan Xin , a senior manager with a company in China ` s economic hub of Shenzhen , recently posted a microresume in the hopes of finding a better job .

  9. 周四,《中国青年报》在一篇文章里提到了阮欣的话,他表示对于那些想实现目标的求职者与在职人员们来说,微简历是一种有效的方式。

    Ruan was quoted in a Thursday article in the China Youth Daily newspaper as saying that microresumes are an efficient way for both job seekers and employees to achieve their goals .

  10. 新浪微博去年推出了一项服务,求职者可以发布“微简历”。每份微简历通常不得超过140个汉字,包括个人简介、对技能和个人目标的描述。140个汉字比140个英文字母能表达更多的东西。

    Sina 's Weibo last year launched a service for jobseekers to post ' micro-resumes . ' Each micro-resume usually contains the person 's brief profile and description of skills and aspirations , within 140 Chinese characters , which say a lot more than 140 English letters .