
  1. 汉代社会上层婚姻中的待年女子

    The Women " Waiting for the Marriageable Age " in the Upper Social Class of the Han Dynasty

  2. Murphy上个月在KIIS-FM之声节目中说道:我不想一部剧里面有人在高中待8年。

    We didn 't want to have a show where they were in high school for eight years , Murphy told Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM radio show last month .

  3. 纳考西能在学校待三年纯属一个意外。

    In 3 years at school Nkosi had only one accident .

  4. 我真希望自己还能待四年

    I wished that I could have had another four years ,

  5. 他们说你还要在那边待一年。

    They said you were going to be there for another year .

  6. 我要在这里待一年候审。

    I 'm gonna spend a year in here waiting for trial .

  7. 那么你要在这整整待七年?

    So , you 'll stay here for7 whole years ?

  8. 数年前,银行家会在一家公司待很多年。

    Years ago , a banker had a long career at a firm .

  9. 他妈的去奥特斯韦尔监狱待七年,基督。

    Try seven years in fucking otisville , J.C !

  10. 所以我打算到西班牙待一年。

    So I decided to go to Spain faorayear .

  11. 你可能会让我比现在多待一年的时间。

    You probably made me stay a year longer than I should have .

  12. 我得在这儿待一年?

    I have to stay here for a year ?

  13. 私事。你的儿子可能要在监狱里待一年,先生。

    Personal . Your son could stay in prison for a year , sir .

  14. 我必须再待一年,也许是三、四年。

    I must be another year , I may be another three or four .

  15. 但是口香糖仍然不会在消化系统里待七年。

    But gum still doesn 't stay in your digestive system for seven years .

  16. 我的工作还可以,但我看不到自己会在这岗位再待5年。

    My job 's okay , but I can 't see myself here in5 years .

  17. 继续说,否则你想在监狱待几年。

    Go on , if you don 't wanna spend a few years in prison .

  18. 你再待20年是侮辱我们,窝在这里是浪费你时间。

    It 'd be a insult to us if you 're still here in twenty years .

  19. 你要待几年?

    How long were you doing ?

  20. 我本以为自己会(在红军)再待一年,把这个赛季就当做过渡期。

    I thought I would stay one more year and take it as a transition season .

  21. 我告诉他,我无法在中国待一年以上的时间。

    I told him I wouldn 't be able to stay there any longer than a year .

  22. 那个人在办公室管理待十年是因为它是一个标准的骑墙派。

    That man has managed to stay in office for ten years by being a regular fence-sitter .

  23. 男:是的,不过客服会在市中心再待一年……

    Man : Yes , though Customer Services are staying in the city centre for another year ...

  24. 他至少要在狱中待20年,才有资格被保释。

    He was sentenced to a minimum of 20 years before he would be eligible for parole .

  25. 如果你能在这个行业待七年那么你一辈子都可以待在这个行业中

    If you can stay in this business for seven years you can stay in the rest of your life

  26. 对于我和米歇尔来说,我们决定在华府多待几年

    Hmmm. As for me and Michelle , we 've decided to stay in D.C. for a couple more years .

  27. 有时我会停下来问我自己为什么最初的计划是顶多待5年

    Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself why ? The original plan was to stay a maximum of five .

  28. 该研究的作者提出建议,为了匡正这种平衡,八月出生的孩子应该在学校多待一年。

    To redress the balance , August-born children could spend a year longer at school under proposals put forward by the study 's authors .

  29. 我这辈子的未来已经被规划好了在哈佛商学院再待一年然后直接去我爸的公司

    My future is pretty well mapped out this time around.One more year at Harvard Business , then it 's straight to the boardroom .

  30. 本来的计划是待一两年,然后就回多伦多,但是计划打乱了。

    The plan was to stay for a year or two , and then go back to Canada , and I lost track of time .