
  1. 我国应尽快设置土地征收公共利益的认定程序和监督程序,并进一步明确征地审批权,将回避制度引入征地审批程序,提高土地征收的公平公正性。

    Land acquisition should be set up as soon as possible the interests of the public that procedures and monitoring procedures and to further clarify the land requisition approval to the introduction of the land requisition system will be avoided in the process of land acquisition procedures to improve .

  2. 赋予农民参与征地的决策权、优化征地审批程序并加强征地过程监管,有利于实现对农地非公益征收的程序控制。

    Offering the decision making right in participating into land expropriation , optimizing the approval procedure in land expropriation and strengthening the process supervision are beneficial for the procedure control in non-public rural land expropriation .