
zhēng tú
  • journey;warpath
征途 [zhēng tú]
  • (1) [journey]∶远行的途程

  • 艰险的征途

  • (2) [warpath]∶比喻出征之路途

  • 革命征途

征途[zhēng tú]
  1. 一年前,中国邮政储蓄银行(postalsavingsbankofchina)行长陶礼明在描述该行未来雄心勃勃的征途时,引用了两句古诗。

    A year ago the president of the postal savings bank of China quoted a classic poem to describe the journey ahead for his ambitious institution .

  2. 是时候开始你们新的征途了。

    It is time for the next phase of your journey .

  3. 他们已在夺取冠军的征途上获得显著进展。

    They have claimed some impressive scalps in their bid for the championship .

  4. 征途漫漫,惟有奋斗。

    The road ahead is long ; striving is the only way forward .

  5. 主要由于Google的大规模和雄厚的经济实力,它在这一年的征途中占据了第一,达到了2004年5月时的地位。

    Due mostly to its bulk and money , Google has stole a march on all the small startups that first got into the space back in2004-5 .

  6. 2011年5月,简于美国宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)沃顿商学院(WhartonSchoolofBusiness)毕业,随后踏上新的征途,帮助初创公司在海外市场开疆扩土。

    Jain graduated in May2011 from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and subsequently launched a new venture to help startups expand their business into foreign markets .

  7. 今年早些时候,BuzzFeed发布的《纽约时报创新报告》(NewYorkTimesInnovationReport)概述了“灰色女士(译注:纽约时报别称)”在其转型为一家数字媒体公司的征途中所面临的种种挑战,引起了传媒界的巨大关注。

    Earlier this year , BuzzFeed made waves in the media industry by publishing the New York Times Innovation Report , an internal document that outlines the paper 's challenges in transforming The Gray Lady into a digital media company .

  8. 在泰坦尼克号沉没100周年纪念日的几周后,克莱夫·帕尔默向外界宣称,本周一他和中国国营的CSC金陵船厂签订了合作备忘录,准备踏上建造泰坦尼克II号的征途。

    Weeks after the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the original Titanic , Clive Palmer announced Monday he has signed a memorandum of understanding with state-owned Chinese company CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the Titanic II .

  9. 爵士总经理邓尼斯林德塞为戈登送上最好祝福,告诉ESPN“我们球队核心很年轻,我们即将再赴征途”。

    Jazz GM Dennis Lindsey wishes Hayward family " the very best , " and tells ESPN : " We have a good young core and we are going to compete . "

  10. 科尔将在本周日红军做客老厕所的比赛中复出&开场27秒闪击布加勒斯特星队的进球让他在沿M62公路东进曼彻斯特的征途上信心百倍。

    He is now available for Sunday 's battle at Old Trafford-and heads down the M62 full of confidence after his27-second goal versus Steaua Bucharest .

  11. 再见,目前,我在自己的征途中。

    Goodbye , so long , I 'm on my way .

  12. 在这个征途上,几乎每个人都看不起里克。

    During this journey , almost everyone looked down at Rick .

  13. 太空航行者踏上征途去探索那未知的世界。

    The space voyagers set off on their journey into the unknown .

  14. 暗战&不来梅征途的两颗地雷

    Secret War Two land mines on the road to Bremen

  15. “讨论”引导学生踏上了通往知识宫殿的征途;

    Debating leads students to the road to the palace ;

  16. 于是那天晚上我们开始了去低地的漫漫征途。

    So that night we started our long journey to the Lowlands .

  17. 从秋天开始的征途终于结束

    A task that began in autumn has been completed .

  18. 我很自豪能够成为在这个征途上与您联系。

    I 'm so proud to be on this journey with you .

  19. 大雁南飞,征途茫茫,是什么在支撑着它?

    What supports wild geese flying all the way to the south ?

  20. 我们的征途上并无投机取巧的捷径,亦不能因为点滴之功而沾沾自喜。

    Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less .

  21. 下载并挖掘的征途上一辈子!

    Download and unearth the journey of a lifetime !

  22. 每一天,我们的征途上取得进展的生活。

    Each and every day , we progress on the journey of Life .

  23. 然后我踏上展现在我面前的征途。

    Then I launched out into the path that was opened to me .

  24. 不过我们也很清楚,要彻底解决问题,还有一段漫漫征途要走。

    But we also know that the problem is nowhere near being solved .

  25. 但不幸的是这是一个漫长的征途!

    But unfortunately it is a long way !

  26. 当决定追随的道路时,我选择了西进的征途;

    When choosing the path to follow , I selected the road heading west .

  27. 当木屋准备就绪时,他们开始了首次南行征途。

    When the house was ready , the men made their first journey south .

  28. 结束自己的伟大征途,向诸神献祭后。

    Making his devotions to the gods at the end of the great journey .

  29. 林德伯格踏上了飞往巴黎的征途。

    Lindbergh was on his way to paris .

  30. 我要踏上寻找命运的征途。

    I set out to find my destiny .