
  • 网络Medical Imaging;imaging medicine
  1. 对建立比较影像医学研究生课程的思考

    A thought on establishing the course of comparative imaging medicine for graduate students

  2. 影像医学发展趋势与人才建设

    Development trends and personnel cultivation in imaging medicine

  3. ROC评价法是以信息检出理论为基础,广泛应用的数理统计方法,随着影像医学与核医学的发展,在医学影像学中的应用日益广泛。

    The ROC evaluation-based theory of signal detection is one of the widely applied statistic method . For development of medical imaging and nuclear medicine , the application of ROC analysis is being abroad .

  4. 影像医学科实习医生读片能力的培养

    Develop Image Cures the Course Intern Doctor Read Slice of Ability

  5. PET/CT推进了影像医学的进步。

    PET / CT makes a great progress in medical imaging equipment .

  6. 因特网上影像医学信息资源的开发与应用

    Tapping and Using of the Informative Resources of Medical Imaging on Internet

  7. 新时期影像医学教学改革的新思路

    New thoughts of teaching reform of image medicine in the new era

  8. 放射影像医学现状与展望研讨会纪要

    About Symposium on Status and Prospect in Medical Imaging

  9. 临床医学专业实习生影像医学短期培训的重要性及方法

    Importance and methods of the medical imaging short-term training for clinical medical interns

  10. 影像医学在法医学中的应用

    The Application of Radiological Image in Forensic Medicine

  11. 磁共振成像是现代影像医学的重要组成部分之一。

    Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is an important part of the modern imaging medical technique .

  12. 影像医学的无胶片化管理&医学影像通信与归档系统诠译

    Management without Film of Video Medical Science & Annotation for the Communication and Archive System of Medical Images

  13. 方法了解与肝癌有关的癌基因,将影像医学与基因诊断和治疗相结合。

    Methods To understand the oncogene which is in relation to hepatocarcinoma and to connect the Medical Imaging with Gene diagnosis and therapy .

  14. 本文还结合军队医院的特点,提出了在军队医院中改革影像医学继续教育的可行性。

    Finally , the author , combining MRI development with characteristics of military hospitals , put forward the feasibility of reforming MRI education .

  15. 依托电子学和计算机等高新技术的飞速发展,影像医学与临床诊治已密不可分。

    In the meantime , with the development of advanced electric and computer technology , medical imaging is playing an increasing important role on clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  16. 影像医学正在从传统的单纯形态学检查向着形态学和反映细胞、分子水平生理生化改变的功能学检查相结合的方向发展。

    Medical imaging is evolving from the traditional morphologic examination to a pattern that combines morphologic and functional examinations that can reflect physiochemical changes at cellular and molecular levels .

  17. 随着影像医学在临床的应用越来越广泛,图像处理技术在影像医学中发挥着越来越大的作用。

    With the development of medical imaging modalities that have been widely used in clinics , image processing techniques have been playing an increasingly important role in medical imaging .

  18. 作者就建立比较影像医学研究生课程的必要性以及如何建立比较影像医学课程进行了阐述。认为核医学与影像医学研究生在毕业前学习比较影像医学课程,对以后发展及创新很有价值。

    This article discussed the necessity and method of setting up a comparative imaging medicine course , which is considered to be valuable for the future development and creativity of graduate students majored in nuclear medicine and imaging medicine .

  19. 方法在广州医学院2001级临床、检验、影像医学专业本科寄生虫学教学中进行教学改革:合理优化教师队伍、重新设置教学内容、实行启发式教学方法。

    Methods This project is conducted in undergraduate parasitology class in an effort to optimize teaching staff , to rearrange teaching content and promote heuristic method teaching . Students of grade 2001 , majored in clinical medicine , medical testing and medical radiography had took part in the project .

  20. 该应用程序可以对CT影像进行医学影像处理,并可以输出UG软件的接口文件,从而可以使后续的头骨三维建模和快速成型制造得以顺利完成。

    It can process the CT skull image in human being , output the interface file and accomplish the sequent design of skull in UG software .

  21. 医学影像是医学临床诊断中应用最普遍、最重要的诊断依据之一,也是PACS系统在临床医学领域中得以迅速发展的原因。

    Medical imaging , one of the most important diagnostic bases in medical practice , is responsible for the rapid development of PACS in medical practice .

  22. 《影像核医学》多媒体教学的利弊探讨

    The advantages and disadvantages of multimedia-aided teaching of imaging nuclear medicine

  23. 血管影像是医学工作者进行血管疾病诊断的基本依据。

    Vascular image is the fundamental basic for medics to diagnose the vascular diseases .

  24. 影像核医学进展浅谈核素显像在心血管疾病影像诊断学中的地位

    Advances in nuclear medical imaging , Update of Nuclear Medicine in the Cardiovascular Imaging

  25. 肿瘤影像核医学进展

    Development of nuclear medicine in oncology

  26. 目的探索适合于医学影像专业医学影像诊断学的见习教学模式。

    Objective To explore the best internship teaching model for medical imageology teaching for medical imageology specialty .

  27. X线影像在医学诊断中一直起着重要作用。

    X-Radiography , based on photography and perspective , is always playing an important role in clinical diagnosis .

  28. 随着磁共振医学影像在医学应用中的普及,无论对于医学诊断还是科学研究,对图像的质量要求都越来越高。

    With the development and popularity in the clinical application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging , the demand for image quality becomes higher and higher , in both clinical and scientific research fields .

  29. 急性胰腺炎超声与CT检查的影像对比分析医学影像显示介质的图像质量对比研究

    A Comparative Analysis between Ultrasonic and CT Examination of Acute Pancreatitis To Compare the Quality of Different Printers in Medical Image

  30. 目的探讨影像数字化和医学影像存储与通讯(PACS)系统在放射科的临床应用价值。

    Objective To probe the clinical value of image digitization , medical image store and PACS at department of radiology .