
  • 网络COLOR PEPPER;Bell pepper
  1. 本文以子叶、下胚轴为实验材料,对荷兰彩椒的组织培养方法进行深入细致的实验研究。

    Using cotyledons and hypocotyls as experimental materials , the methods of tissue culture of Dutch color pepper were studied deeply and the technique of issue culture and rapid propagation were obtained successfully .

  2. 设施栽培黄色彩椒新组合的选育

    Breeding of a new yellow sweet pepper combination for protected cultivation

  3. 根温对彩椒苗期生长的影响

    Effect of Root Temperature on Seedling Growth of Colour Pepper

  4. 我带回家一盆亮丽的五彩椒。

    I brought home one bright ornamental pepper .

  5. 玻璃生菜,时生菜,黄瓜,胡萝卜,樱桃番茄红,彩椒,煮素菜(每天不同)

    Iceberg , Garden Salad , Cucumber , Carrot , Cherry Tomato , Mixed Sweet Pepper .

  6. 高根温对彩椒生长危害较大,且根部受害程度大于地上部;

    Higher root temperature harmed the seedlings more seriously , and harmed their roots more seriously than shoots .

  7. 其他的灯笼还有哈密瓜灯,彩椒灯,苹果灯,黄瓜灯和灯。

    Other lanterns include the Jackaloupe , the Pepp o'lantern , the Appo'lantern , the Cucumb-o'lantern and the lantern .

  8. 配上维生素含量丰富的彩椒和洋葱,这串烧的营养和美味就都齐全了。

    Go together with up the vitamin content enrich of colourful pepper and onions , this string of nourishment and delicacy for burning all well-found .

  9. 为了研究异色瓢虫幼虫不同龄期防治有机蔬菜彩椒蚜虫效果,我站在有机蔬菜彩椒上进行了试验。

    In order to study the effect using the larva at different instars of Harmonia axyridis to control aphids on colorful capsicum of the organic vegetable .