
  • Import transportation;import traffic
  1. 浅析我国石油进口运输布局与运输安全

    Analysis on Security of Oil import Transport Network of China

  2. 重点分析了中国石油对外贸易的对外贸易方式、进出口来源、进出口结构及变化、进口运输渠道等方面。

    The analysis focuses on the trade pattern , sources of import and export , changes structure of import and export and transport channel of import , etc.

  3. 最后,根据前文对我国铁矿石进口运输市场的分析,提出我国航运企业应采取的具体措施和建议。

    Finally , according to analysis of preamble for transport market of iron ore import in China , this paper puts forward specific measures and suggestions for shipping enterprises in China .

  4. 本文的第二章、第三章以我国原油进口运输市场为例进行分析,旨在为油运企业分析市场环境、确定船队发展规模提供简单的思路。

    The second and third chapters of the thesis aim at providing a simple approach to the market analysis of oil transportation corporations and to the determination of the scale of the fleets .

  5. 根据我国原油进口运输以租外轮为主的现实情况,建立改进的运输问题模型,选择典型航线建立原油运输网络,并对其最优化。

    With the fact that Chinese crude oil import is mainly carried out by chartering foreign VLCCs , an improved transport problem model has been built , and the transport network formed of typical import routes has been optimized .

  6. 通过前面章节的分析与预测,在这一章中对我国原木进口运输的航线、船型及运力的发展提出了可行方案,并通过定性及定量的分析得到最终的更为科学合理的发展方案。

    By analyzing and forecasting concerned before , this part puts forward feasible scheme for the development of the line , ship model and the shipping ability , at last gets the more scientific and reasonable scheme by evaluative and measurable analysis .

  7. 中国进口LNG运输船型论证

    Ship Type Evaluation for LNG Import Transportation of China

  8. 加入WTO后,中国石油海上运输量,特别是进口原油运输量将大幅度地增加。

    After China joins WTO the oil freight volume , especially the freight volume of imported crude oil will increase by a big margin .

  9. 据此,如何选择适合于广东进口LNG运输的优选船型将是摆在许多航运企业面前的重要的研究课题。

    Therefore , how to select the optimal ship type for Guangdong 's importing LNG transportation will become the important title that many shipping enterprises are facing .

  10. 进口原油运输船型经济性分析

    The Economic Evaluation on Tanker Types for Carrying Imported Crude Oil

  11. 进口原木运输的工艺技术

    A Study on the Transportation Technology of Logs Imported

  12. 基于费用最小化的进口原油运输网络优化研究

    Study on Transportation Network Optimization of Import Crude Oil Based on Cost Minimum

  13. 优化的结果可作为今后中国进口原油运输的参考。

    This optimization result could be a reference for Chinese crude oil import transport .

  14. 基于需求分布的中国原油进口海运运输网络优化研究

    The Optimization of an Imported Crude Oil Maritime Transportation Network for China Based on Demand Distribution

  15. 我国与德国的贸易往来十分频繁,所以德国进口货物运输就成为了一个重要的而且关键的环节。

    The trade between China and Germany very frequently , so cargo transportation became an important and key link .

  16. 相较之下,在上海的文化走廊,西岸有自己的海关保税仓库,可以提供艺术品进口、运输和保险一站式服务。

    By contrast , along the Museum Mile , the West Bund has its own bonded customs warehouse , which has one-stop service for importing artworks and taking care of shipping and insurance .

  17. 但中国目前的油轮船队根本不能承担起进口原油运输的任务,进口原油运输主要被外轮所占据。

    But presently , China 's tanker fleet can 't at all undertake the mission of oil import shipment , and as a result , foreign tanker fleets mainly occupied the deep-sea transportation of China 's oil imports .

  18. 我国进口LNG海上运输的风险与防范

    Sea Shipping Risk and Defence for LNG Import Transportation of China

  19. 本文在分析已有国内外研究成果的基础上,对LNG海上运输安全进行了比较全面的定义和描述,为进口LNG海上运输安全的评价奠定了基础。

    Based on the analysis of the existing domestic and foreign research results , on the LNG maritime transportation security is defined and described comprehensively , laid the foundation for the evaluation of the LNG import transportation safety .

  20. 计算分析结果表明,VLCC适合长距离海上原油运输,所以我国今后进口原油的运输要尽量用VLCC船型。

    The results also indicate that VLCC is appropriate for long distance sea borne crude oil transportation , and thus , China should make the best use of VLCC to ship importing crude oil henceforth .

  21. 通过该项研究得出了符合我国目前实际情况、对我国航运企业参与控制进口LNG海上运输具有参考意义的结论和建议。

    According to these researches , the paper draws a reasonable conclusion and makes some constructive suggestions that not only conform to China 's present actual situation but also have referential significances for the process that China 's shipping enterprises participate in and even control the LNG import transportation .

  22. 我国进口铁矿石运输的港口布局规划研究

    The Port Layout Research of Iron Ore Import in China

  23. 我国进口石油海上运输安全的灰色模糊综合评价

    The Grey Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of China 's Importing Petroleum Marine Transportation Safety

  24. 武钢十五战略规划下进口铁矿石运输系统整合的研究

    Integration Transportation System on Import Iron Ore

  25. 二十一世纪初中国进口铁矿石运输市场研究

    Study of Early 21 ~( st ) Century 's China Import Iron Ore Shipping Market

  26. 介绍了黄州坝隧道进口无轨运输和出口有轨运输的施工方案。

    In this paper the construction plans of rail transport and trackless transport in Huangzhouba tunnel are introduced .

  27. 长江沿线钢铁厂进口铁矿石运输船型的研究

    A Study on Types of Ships for Transportation of Imported Iron Ore Needed by the Steel and Iron Works Along the Yangtze River

  28. 本文利用航运市场学的理论和计量经济学的原理,对中国进口铁矿石运输市场的总体状况进行了系统的分析和需求预测。

    By utilizing the theories of shipping market research and econometrics , this thesis systematically analyzes the state of China import iron ore shipping market , and forecasts the market demand .

  29. 从进口石油的运输方式来看,过分依赖单一的海上运输路线,使得中国石油进口安全的脆弱性凸现。

    Seeing from the transportation means of China 's petroleum importation , China 's petroleum importation mainly relies on sea transportation , which makes China 's petroleum importation safety very weak .

  30. 一项存货的成本是由买价减去各种折扣,加上为取得该项存货而发生的所有支出构成的。这些支出包括进口税、运输或存储货物的保险费用。

    The cost of an item of inventory is made up of the purchase price , minus any discount , plus all expenditures incurred on acquiring such merchandise , including import duties , insurance of goods being shipped or stored .