
dàng pu
  • pawnshop;pound
当铺 [dàng pù]
  • (1) [pawnshop]∶收典当物作为抵押而贷款的店铺

  • (2) [pound]∶保存私人财物待主人赎回的库栈

当铺[dàng pu]
  1. 他得以从当铺赎回他的表。

    He was able to redeem his watch from the pawnshop .

  2. MikhailUnksov是俄罗斯当铺联盟的主席,他说,典型的顾客是没有足够的稳定的工资收入,亟需寻找快速简单的方法来满足当前需要。

    Mikhail Unksov , president of Russia 's Pawnshop League , says the typical client is a person without an adequate regular salary who is seeking a quick and easy way to fulfill a desire .

  3. 各个州和地区的法律都规定当铺老板必须取得特许执照

    Each state and territory has legislation that requires pawnbrokers to be licensed .

  4. 他从当铺赎回手表。

    He redeemed his watch from the pawnbroker 's.

  5. 要是她去当铺当了这些东西,她是可以筹出50块钱的。

    She could get fifty dollars for those if she went to the pawnbroker 's.

  6. 她偷的不是当铺里卖的便宜货。

    This isn 't pawn shop goods she 's taking down .

  7. 从银行到当铺,都在使用指纹识别对交易进行验证。

    Institutions from banks to pawnshops are fingerprinting to authenticate transactions .

  8. 这位是陈老师,她是我的英语老师。上传:第八号当铺。

    This is Miss Chen , she is my English teacher .

  9. 带着“供给”的物品我又回到了当铺

    I went back to the pawn shop with the supply ,

  10. 明天咱们就去当铺当戒指

    Tomorrow we 'll go to the Cash for Gold store .

  11. 电话传来的声音:喂,是当铺老板吗?

    Voice over Telephone : Hello , is this the pawnbroker 's ?

  12. 从当铺将我的表赎回来要多少钱?

    How much will it cost to redeem my watch from pawn ?

  13. 据当铺老板估计,他们在典当人赎回珠宝时赚钱最多。

    Pawnbrokers reckon they make most money when people redeem their jewellery .

  14. 后来陈师傅在当铺里发现了它们。

    Master Chen was found in a pawn shop them .

  15. 他正在武器管制局和当铺间查。

    He 's running it through NCIC and pawn shops .

  16. 所以我走遍布鲁克林的当铺

    So I went to every gold store in Brooklyn ,

  17. 为了做这试验,他把《植物图说》的铜版全押在当铺里。

    For this purpose he had pawned his copperplates of the Flora .

  18. 你去过街上的当铺,是吧?

    You 've used the pawnshop down the street before , right ?

  19. 当铺没看,我需要现金。

    Pawnshop ain 't open . I need cash now .

  20. 你只得在当铺面对面的被剥削。

    You got ripped off face-to-face at the pawn shop .

  21. 当铺外面悬挂着三个球的标记。

    Signs with three balls hang outside pawnbrokers ' shops .

  22. 沿着这条街走去戈登先生的当铺

    Walk down the street to Mr. Gold 's pawnshop .

  23. 那我开车带我们去当铺。

    So I 'll navigate us to the pawn shop .

  24. 我买的这张书桌是用橡木做的,它是二手货。上传:第八号当铺。

    The book , which I bought second-hand , is made of oak .

  25. 他在临走以前从当铺把他比较整齐的一件上装赎了出来。

    He had redeemed his better coat from the pawn-shop before he left .

  26. 中国古代当铺的质权

    An Analysis of the Pawnshop Mortgage in Ancient China

  27. 他把表押在当铺里了。

    He has left his watch with his uncle .

  28. 不知为何我总感觉你不只是当铺老板这么简单

    Somehow I suspect there is more to you than a simple pawnbroker .

  29. 先从不动产销售商和当铺查起。

    Let 's start with estate sales and pawnshops .

  30. 我们会通告当地的当铺。

    We 'll alert the local pawn shops .