
  1. 关于当代中国教育中人性内容缺失的文化思考

    Cultural Reasoning on Missing of Humanitarian Contents in Modern China 's Education

  2. 教育传统对当代中国教育改革的负面影响

    The negative influence of educational tradition on the educational reform in China today

  3. 当代中国教育方法的哲学思考

    The Philosophical Thinking of Chinese Education Method Today

  4. 素质教育是当代中国教育改革的必然趋势。

    Quality Education is the necessary tendency in the present reform of Chinese education .

  5. 第三部分是当代中国教育哲学发展的理论反思。

    The third part is the rethought of contemporary Philosophy of Education in China .

  6. 优先·公平·优质&当代中国教育改革与发展的三个关键词

    Priority , Equality and Quality & Three Key Words in China 's Present Education Reform and Development

  7. 他们的教育思想对当代中国教育的改革与发展有着重大的指导意义。

    Their educational theory have vital guiding significance to the innovation and development of the present Chinese education .

  8. 学校层面的综合变革,是当代中国教育变革有机的构成。

    The comprehensive reform on the level of schools is an organic component of China 's contemporary education reform .

  9. 本文试图从教育史研究前提假设的视角,探讨马克思主义史学理论对于当代中国教育史研究的重要意义。

    The theory of the harmonious world indicates the new development of Marxist theory of world history in the present age .

  10. 当代中国教育知识界对人类教育学界的贡献,体现在基础理论、基本实践以及理论与实践的双向转化、双向构成等方面。

    The participation of Chinese education in the world education embodies the theory , the practice and bidirectional transformation and construction and so on .

  11. 教育与生活的关系是当代中国教育理论界和实践领域最为关注,论争最为激越的热点之一。

    The relationship between education and life is most concerned and the most intense controversy in theory and practice areas of contemporary Chinese education .

  12. 马克思主义教育思想中国化是马克思主义中国化的题中应有之义,建设中国特色的社会主义教育是当代中国教育发展的必由之路。

    The sinicization of marxist education thought is marxism in , to build the socialist education with Chinese characteristics is the only way for the development of the contemporary Chinese education .

  13. 社会化危机是本文建构的研究概念,也是切入当代中国教育问题的基点之一及本研究发生的认知起点。

    Socialization crisis , the conception made by this dissertation , is one of the basic points incisive to the Chinese current educational problems , as well as the cognized standing point of this dissertation .

  14. 教育中,漠视生命存在、生命情感匮乏、生命意义丧失,人的教育在一定程度上蜕变为无视生命的物的教育,这些无疑仍是制约和困扰当代中国教育健康发展的大问题。

    With life-being neglected , life emotion lacked and meaning of life lost , subjective education is changing into objective education without respecting life . These undoubtedly still are the great problems barring the present education from developing healthily .

  15. 针对当代中国教育现状存在的根本问题及其严重危害,结合教育发展的时代特征及现实需要,重新思考教育的价值。

    The value of education will be reflected after aiming at t he essential problems with the contemporary China 's educational actuality as well as its severe harm and combining the characteristic of the time of educational development with realistic needs .

  16. 自从被引进学校教育以来,因其针对不同层次学生的特点、照顾学生之问的差异,分层教学为许多学校所采用,同时也已成为当代中国教育教学所关注的热点问题之一。

    As a teaching model which takes into consideration features of different layers and diversities of students , layering teaching was adopted by numerous schools since it was introduced . It has become one of the hot issues of modern education in China .

  17. 创新教育是当代中国教育提倡的主题,教育要走出传统教育的误区,更新教育观念,把学生培养成为勇于探索,积极思考,善于创新的高素质人才。

    Innovation education is an advocated subject of contemporary Chinese education . Education should go out of mistake areas of traditional education an innovate education ideas and train students into talents with high quality daring to explore , pondering over actively and being good at innovating .

  18. 当代中国农村教育绩效的制约因素分析

    Analysis of the Restricting Factors of the Contemporary Village Educational Achievements

  19. 当代中国若干教育理念的反思

    Historical and Realistic Reflection of Several Educational Ideas in China Today

  20. 面对学校教育的丰富的价值,当代中国学校教育,可以以关怀生命为价值取向。

    Value-direction of schooling is the conscious choice to value in schooling .

  21. 儒家孝道与当代中国伦理教育

    Confucianists ' Filial Piety and Moral Education in Modern China

  22. 当代中国艺术教育改革漫谈

    IA Random Talk on Chinese Contemporary Reform of Art Education

  23. 当代中国基础教育与文化传统关系再认识

    Re-considering the Relations between Contemporary Chinese Basic Education and Its Cultural Tradition

  24. 当代中国教师教育改革与教师专业身份之重建

    Reform of Teacher Education and Reconstruction of Teacher Professional Identity in China

  25. 当代中国社区教育问题与政策建议

    Problems and Policy Suggestions of Community Education in Contemporary China

  26. 渐进改革:当代中国基础教育改革路向的理性选择

    Gradual Reform : Rational Choice of Basic Educational Reform in Contemporary China

  27. 培养健全人格、发展个性。它对当代中国高等教育改革和发展具有重要的历史借鉴价值和启迪作用。

    All this plays very important role in contemporary higher education reform and development .

  28. 社会转型与当代中国的教育转型

    Social Transformation And Educational Transformation In Contemporary China

  29. 西南联大教育思想与当代中国高等教育

    Southwest Joint University and Contemporary China Higher Education

  30. 美国早期教育课程模式与当代中国早期教育课程改革

    Curriculum Models in American Early Childhood Education and Contemporary Chinese Curriculum Reforms in ECE