
He neatly fended off a jab at his chest .
The other was crumpled on his side with a great vent in his chest . Effect of lateral position during thoracotomy on stroke volume variation
At the end of the song , they whispered together in a conspiracy of penguins , then nodded in unison as they crossed themselves .
There was a crash of thunder overhead , and as the thunder broke someone sprang out on her and threw his arms round her in a tight embrace .
The statue depicts Amitabha guiding believers to the Land of Ultimate Bliss , with his right hand hanging down and his left hand holding a lotus throne against his chest .
And instead of taking off the tags when the workday is done , as people elsewhere might do , Washingtonians tend to keep them on , especially if they hint at a close relationship to power .
A touch on the chest silenced me : I am stout , and soon put out of breath ; and , what with that and the rage , I staggered dizzily back , and felt ready to suffocate , or to burst a blood vessel .
As they stood breast to breast , one arrow pierced them both .
When they 're awake , the neurons in part of the finches ' forebrain called the robutus archistriatalis fire following their singing of particular notes .
While it was in thoracic spinal cord , the coincidence rate in ATM group and NMO group was 100 % and 66.7 % , respectively .