- if and only if;iff;when and only when

Thus , R is : commutative if and only if N is commutative .
T_3 ~ s space X is paracompact if and only if X is para-nearly-compact space ;
Only when both conditional elements evaluate to true are the rule 's consequence elements executed .
It is proved that a poset is continuous iff the S-limits for P are σ( P ) topological determined .
If and only if a direct limit of ( finitely generated ) quasi-projective R-modules is direct-projective .
Some properties of the pseudo-orbit tracing property is generalized to the weak shadowing property .
R is left IF ring iff every finitely generated left R-module is embeddable in a flat module .
( iv ) R is a semiprimitive ring if and only if so is A.
In other words , this method returns true if and only if the Role is allowed all privileges on the Resource .
In a partially ordered set P of locally finite width , the interval topology is connected if and only if P is dense and conditionally complete ;
We show that a p-semisimple BCI-algebra is simple if and only if its order is prime .
H ( X , Y ) is complete if and only if the space Y is Banach space .
R is a GPP - ring if and only if it is a quasi π - regular ring and GPF - ring .
Ring ( Baer ring ) if and only if Ris a graded P.P.
The author prove that a subset E of R is a compact subset if and only if E is a star-compact subset .
We prove the strong relative AS , T finite determinacy of map germs and the relative versal unfolding are equivalent .
A total function fis a Context free Infinite Preserving Function if and only iff is a Context free Preserving function .
In this paper , we show that T is graded right hereditary ring if and only if ( I ) A and B are both graded right hereditary ;
It deduced that if R is a left dual ring or a left quasi - dual ring , then R is a semisimple if R is nonsingular .
I is a maximal and positive implicative ideal . If I is a proper ideal of X , then I is obstinate if the quotient algebra
Each segement-h pointer traverses nearly 2h nodes if and only if not all nodes in a segment leave the network .
M is Ecs module if and only if M_i is Ecs module ((?)
Presumably the endpoint would then receive RSS item fragments when and only when that resource updated .
In this thesis , the matrix expression of module is given , and the morita structure of ring is stadies .
In this paper the notion of rational fuzzy language is introduced , and a important theorem is obtained : a fuzzy subset of Σ is recognizable if and only if it 's rational .
We consider the M / G / 1 repairable queueing system with N units series structure , in which it operates if and only if all of the N units operate .
The subring e Ω e is a prime kernel ring ( or primitive kernel ring ) if and only if e Ω eK .
A VM object is created at demand and only once for every thread that wants to access the runtime .
A space X is nearly metacompact if and only if every monotone open cover U has an open refinement that is point-finite on some dense subset of X ;
The weak base B is " hereditary " to any subspace of X if and only if for any x ∈ X , for any P ∈ B_x , x ∈ P °;