- elastic-plastic;elastoplasticity

The material model which behaves perfect elastoplasticity at loading and strain hardening with Bauschinger effect at unloading is introduced .
The results show that the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian ( ALE ) methods can effectively analyze the stability of soil slopes and be applied to the elastoplasticity analysis of geotechnical engineering .
An Improved P - Δ Method for Analysing Elasto-plastic Stability of Tall Steel Frames
Development of CAI platform for Mechanics of elastoplasticity course with Visual Basic
Study on Strengthening for Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures CAD and Elastic-Plastic Analysis
Rules of elastoplastic drift decomposition of RC frames and the target drift of members
Study of Elastic - plastic J-integral Characters of Surface Cracks in Pressure Vessel
The elastic-plastic non-linear behavior of the cold-formed square hollow section columns analyzed by ANSYS is presented ;
Prediction of plastic anisotropy and texture in FCC metal by finite element polycrystal model
The SD effect of the sea ice with cylindrical crystal construction has been study with the elastic-plastic theory .
With the increase of q , the plastic zone would extend , and the slope is in the elasto plastic state .
Solving the Elasto-Plastic Problem of Plane Construction with QR-Method
In this paper , the propagation of X-ray thermal shock wave in cylindrical shell is studied according to the two-dimensional fluid-elastic-plastic model and two-dimensional fracture method .
Rate form elasto-plastic constitutive equation with arbitrary yield function has been developed and its specific form under Hill plastic anisotropy yielding model is also given .
Mohr-Coulomb strength theory has been used to analyse pressure tunnel in the field of rock engineering for many years .
Set up corresponding finite element and analysis models , use ANSYS non-linear finite element analytic approach , have set up the joints which ring-strengthened and carried on the static elastoplastic analysis .
In this paper , an edge-cutting AIA method is presented based on elastic-plastic large deformation finite element simulation theory .
In the fracture assessment of 3C , J-integer is a very important parameter , which is also an important contents in the elastic-plastic fracture mechanics .
Thermo elastic-plastic finite element analysis has been employed to investigate the influence of residual stress caused by the different properties between ceramic and metal , and the 2D analysis has been compared with 3D FEM analysis .
Application of SAP 2000 in nonlinear static analysis
The results indicate that Push-over method is an effective method to carry out elastic analysis of structure under the action of rare occurence of earthquake at present , P - Δ effect becomes more and more apprent with the degradation in structure yield and structure stiffness .
Applying 2D axisymmetric elastic-plastic FEM , the simulations of drawing of B10 copper tubes were carried out with the aid of nonlinear FEM software Marc .
Combining the QR-method based on B-spline functions and the pushover analysis method , the authors put forward the pushover-QR method for static elasto-plastic analysis of high-rising buildings in this paper .
ANSYS finite element program is used in this paper to analysis lateral loading behavior of a signal pile , in a three dimensional way , by establishing two elastic-plastic models with different soil layer conditions , one is uniform clay and another is clay-sand-clay .
With the combination of genetic algorithm and FLAC numerical software , it also develops the back-analysis of displacement program on the basis of genetic algorithm method , and tests this method with specific elastic-plastic displacement example .
The computational method which combines elasto plastic analysis with Melan ′ s theorem is applied to evaluate limit loads and shakedown loads of soil structures .
In this paper , the granular media in storage is supposed to be elastic-perfectly plastic behavious material submitting to Mohr Coulomb yield criterion , and friction effect between granular media and silo wall is supposed to be Coulomb friction contact problem .
In this paper , inelastic static pushover analysis of a complex high-rise steel structure is completed by using ETABS program . In addition , comparison of four lateral load patterns on the results of pushover analysis has been studied .
And then the plastic cell acted in series with the classic Burgers model , and a modified Burgers creep model was built and the corresponding visco-elasto-plastic constitutive relationships were deduced . The modified model could simulate visco-elasto-plastic deviatoric behavior and elasto-plastic volumetric behavior .
The nonlinear and plastic materials are defined . In the program , the used soil constitutive models include Duncan-Chang constitutive model , K-G model , modified Cambridge model and Drucker & Prager elastoplastic model .