
  • Zhang Zhen;Chang Chen;Chen Chang;Zhen Zhang
  1. 梁朝伟在片中扮演叶问。章子怡扮演的宫二先生是一位来自中国北方的武术高手的女儿,同时自己也是一名武术大师。张震扮演了一个名为一线天的神秘角色。

    Tony Leung Chiu-wai plays Ip Man ; Zhang Ziyi stars as Gong Er , the daughter of a powerful martial-arts master from northern China and a kung-fu expert herself ; and Chang Chen appears as a mysterious character named Razor .

  2. 台湾明星张震在《一代宗师》中饰演功夫高手一线天,这个角色模糊不清,在影片中只有三场戏。评论家和观众也就一线天的短暂亮相与他出现在故事中的作用展开了争论。

    Taiwan star Chang Chen plays an ambiguous kung fu expert named Razor , who appears in just three short scenes in ' The Grandmaster . ' Critics and audiences have debated the character 's brief appearance and purpose in the story .

  3. 张震亮度-创办人的水处理公司凯发在新加坡举行。

    Olivia Lum-founder of water treatment company Hyflux in Singapore .

  4. 比起最终的结果,张震表示他更在乎学习的过程。

    But Chang cares more about learning the process than he does the end result .

  5. 传说只要角色要求他拥有哪方面的技能,张震就会努力成为这个领域的专家。

    Rumor has it that Chang is dedicated to becoming an expert in whatever skills required by the roles he plays .

  6. 不过,张震本人并不认为自己是媒体和粉丝口中的“学霸”。

    However , Chang rejects the " studious overlord " title that 's been applied to him by the media and fans .

  7. 《一代宗师》张震的镜头加起来不过3分钟,但他刻苦练武也终有回报,在全国八极拳比赛中夺得冠军。

    Chang was only in the movie for a total of three minutes , but his practice of the traditional martial arts style won him the top prize in the national Baijiquan contest .

  8. 羊年春晚上,台湾演员张震与武术男星吴京一同表演的《江山如画》大受好评,张震更是迅速成为网络热门话题,搜索量一路飙升。

    Taiwanese actor Chen Chang became a hot topic on social media and most-searched lists because of his performance with Martial arts star Wu Jing , in Kung fu show Painterly Landscape at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala .

  9. 两年前,一名学生在网上贴出了一张震惊众人的照片:在一所公立高中的课堂上,学生们埋头看书,所有人都在打点滴,以便获得继续学习的能量。

    Two years ago , a student posted a shocking photograph online : a public high-school classroom full of students hunched over books , all hooked up to intravenous drips to give them the strength to keep studying .

  10. 为了达到导演“表现出八极拳真正精髓”的要求,2009年,距《一代宗师》开拍还有半年之时,张震在北京拜见了著名的八极拳大师——王世泉。

    Half a year before shooting the film in 2009 , to meet the director 's requirement of " presenting the real essence and core of Bajiquan , " Chang met Wang Shiquan , a renowned Bajiquan master in Beijing .

  11. 而王世泉问他的第一个问题就是,“你是真的想学八极拳,还是只想在电影里摆摆姿势?”张震选择了前者,也因此开启了他的“八极拳”之旅。

    The first question Wang threw at him was , " Do you truly want to learn Bajiquan or just pose for the camera ? " Chang chose the former , and thus his journey to becoming a Bajiquan practitioner commenced .

  12. 渡江作战,部队突破江防后,我的指挥部在三野司令部,张震是参谋长。

    During the campaign in which we crossed the Yangtze , after our troops broke through the enemy 's defence line along the river , my command post was in the headquarters of the Third Field Army , and Zhang Zhen was the chief of staff .

  13. 2000年,张震因为出演武侠动作电影《卧虎藏龙》而名声大震。不过,他第一次接触真正意义上的武术还是在2013年王家卫的电影《一代宗师》中扮演八极拳大师。

    Though his role as Dark Cloud ( or Lo Xiaohu ) in 2000 action film Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon won him national fame , his first encounter with real martial arts didn 't occur until he fought in the Bajiquan ( Eight-level Boxing ) style in Wong Kar-wai 's 2013 film The Grandmaster .

  14. 其他核心角色的演员与前任相比都差了几分。刘承羽取代章子怡,饰演那个年轻女人,岑康勇代替张震,饰演盗匪,感情内敛的动作明星甄子丹取代了迷人的周润发,饰演俞秀莲的精神恋人。

    The other central roles have been filled with performers less charismatic than their predecessors : Natasha Liu Bordizzo replaces Zhang Ziyi as the young woman , Harry Shum Jr. subs for Chang Chen as the bandit , and the stolid action star Donnie Yen steps in for the magnetic Chow Yun-Fat as Shu Lien 's platonic paramour .