
  • Jimmy Lin;Chih-Ying Lin;Lin, Chih Ying Jimmy
  1. iPhone7plus的早期样机(左图)和FeldAndVolk的渲染(有图)与林志颖晒出的照片几乎一模一样。

    iPhone 7 Plus early prototype ( left ) and matching Feld and Volk render ( right ) tie in perfectly with Jimmy Lin 's photo .

  2. 是的,林志颖又回来了。

    Yes , Jimmy Lin is back again .

  3. 但是随着iPhone7和iPhone7Plus发布日期的临近,林志颖的照片是最令人信服的证据之一。

    But with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus release date close , Lin 's appearance is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence yet .

  4. 尽管林志颖晒iPhone这一搞怪行为毫无疑问有自我宣传的因素,但是这位明星已经这么做四年了,一次都没有落下。

    While there 's undoubtedly an element of self publicity to Lin 's iPhone antics , the popstar has been doing this for four years now and has never had a miss .

  5. 而随后,香港的苹果员工证实了林志颖手中拿的苹果手机为正品。2015年,林志颖出人意料的缺席了,不过那可能是鉴于iPhone6s和iPhone6sPlus与iPhone6的外观相似,也没什么可以炫耀的。

    With the latter Apple employees in Hong Kong even admitted Lin 's iPhone 6 was legit . Lin was conspicuous by his absence in 2015 , but given the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are visually identical to the iPhone 6 there was little to show off .

  6. 林志颖在微博中写到:今天证实了iPhone5的确将变得更长,并采用与iPad相同的铝合金材质,同时也因为采用4英寸屏幕,厚度更薄。但我觉得手感差不多。

    Today I confirmed that the iPhone 5 will be longer and have an aluminum back like the iPad , Lin wrote , as noticed by Sina Tech Hong Kong . While it has a four-inch screen , its thinner , though it feels about the same in the hand .

  7. 这场“晒照秀”开始于2012年,当时林志颖于iPhone5新机正式发售前,在微博中晒出了iPhone5的照片。之后,他在2013年和2014年抢先曝光了iPhone5C和iPhone6。

    The stunts began in 2012 when Lin posed with an iPhone 5 on his Weibo page ahead of its release , then an iPhone 5C in 2013 and an iPhone 6 in 2014 .

  8. 从照片上看,林志颖坐在咖啡馆里,手里拿着的手机和之前流出的苹果谍照相吻合,之前流出的消息一再表明我们可以做如此期待:iPhone7将在iPhone6的基础上搭载双镜头系统。

    The photo shows Lin in a cafe and the handset matches up exactly with what numerous leaks have repeatedly stated we should expect : an iPhone 6-inspired design with a dual camera system .

  9. 中国明星林志颖在新浪微博上宣称自己已经拿到iPhone5,这条微博在几小时内吸引到10万条网友评论。

    A Chinese pop star by the name of Jimmy Lin has just attracted over 100,000 comments in only a matter of a few hours . His post was through the popular site , Sina Weibo .