
  1. 张莉的狗突然死了,真悲伤!

    Zhang Li 's dog suddenly died , it is sad indeed !

  2. 朱静曾经每天给女儿打三个电话,但现在张莉很少和家里人通电话了。

    She also used to call her daughter three times a day , but Zhang Li hardly speaks to her family anymore .

  3. 上周二,张勇向《广州日报》透露,他的女儿张莉10年前去了美国某大学攻读学位。

    Zhang Yong told the Guangzhou Daily last Tuesday that his daughter , Zhang Li , traveled to the U.S. 10 years ago to pursue a degree at an unnamed American university .

  4. 不久前,女白领张莉参加了毕业周年同学聚会,但没想到聚会变成了富家子弟的“炫富大会”。

    Recently , Zhang Li , a white-collar lady , attended a anniversary class reunion . Unexpectedly , the party ended up being a stage for those born rich to show off their wealth .

  5. 张莉能够被这么好的学校录取,张勇一家人起初都为她感到骄傲。但是现在,张勇却担心老了之后没有人照顾他和他60多岁的妻子朱静。

    At first , he and his family were so proud that Zhang Li got accepted to a great school , but Zhang Yong now says he is concerned nobody will care for him and his 60-year-old wife , Zhu Jing , in their old age .