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  1. 张丽再次相信了他的谎言,马上汇给了他一笔钱。

    Zhang once again believe his lies , he immediately sinks to the sum of money .

  2. 张丽是国家汉语办公室西班牙代表处代表。

    Zhang Li is the representative of the Office of Chinese Language Council International in Spain .

  3. 经再三追问,张丽承认把钱借给一个朋友“治病”了。

    After repeated questioning , Li admitted the money loaned to a friend for " medical treatment " has been .

  4. 张丽说,欧洲人可以从学习中文中获得很多益处,包括更好地了解中国。

    Zhang Li says people in European countries could a lot learning Chinese , including gaining a better understanding of China .

  5. 因王刚久拖不还,今年初张丽夫妇将其告上了法庭。

    Wang Gang , a long time due to not also the beginning of this year to Zhang and his wife to court .

  6. 据张丽回忆,在校发放志愿填报密码时,班主任的确曾记录过全班同学的密码。

    As far as Zhangli recalled , when the school give aspiration forms to students , the class teacher did record all students'password .

  7. 聊天中,王刚自称是从阿拉伯国家归国的“海归”,谈吐幽默又不失风度,很快让张丽有了好感。

    In chat , Wang Gang , claiming to be returning from Arab countries ," returnees ", humorous style of conversation and losing with grace so that Li has a good impression quickly .

  8. 此后的几个月,王刚又谎称感染的是特殊艾滋病,需要到青岛、北京等地的专业医院住院治疗,张丽一次又一次地将家里的存款汇给了王刚。

    A few months later , Wang Gang and lied AIDS infection is a special need to Qingdao , Beijing and other professional hospital treatment , Li will be home again and again deposit remitted to the Gang .

  9. 一位名叫张丽(音译)的家庭主妇说道:你在附近一些商店购买牛肉的时候,他们有时会卖给你马肉或羊骆驼肉,并且会缺斤短两。

    When you buy beef at some of the shops around here , they sometimes try to sell you horse meat or even camel and they cheat you on the scales , says Zhang Li , a housewife .