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hónɡ yì
  • Hongyi;having a broad and strong mind
弘毅 [hóng yì]
  • [having a broad and strong mind] 抱负远大,意志坚定

  • 士不可不弘毅,任重而道远。--《论语.泰伯》

  1. 这是WeWork的第F轮融资,领投者为两家总部位于北京的投资机构——弘毅投资(HonyCapital)和联想控股(LegendHoldings)。

    Hony Capital and Legend Holdings , both Beijing-based investment groups , led the Series F round .

  2. 他拒绝就UnitedBiscuits发表评论。UnitedBiscuits是英国一家小食品和饼干生产商,知情人士说,弘毅投资有意收购这家企业。

    He declined to comment on United Biscuits , the British snack-and-cookie maker that a person familiar with the situation said Hony is interested in buying .

  3. 去年6月,中联重科联手弘毅投资和高盛(GoldmanSachs)旗下的私人资本运营公司,以4.22亿美元的价格赢得了交易。

    Zoomlion , teamed with Hony Capital and Goldman Sachs'private-equity arm , won the bidding with a $ 422 million offer in June .

  4. 2014年,中国私人股本集团弘毅投资(HonyCapital)联手美国同行TPGCapital,投资于好莱坞制片商STX娱乐(STXEntertainment)。

    In 2014 Hony Capital , the Chinese private equity group , and TPG Capital , a US peer , invested in the STX Entertainment Hollywood studio .

  5. 在另外一个表明人民币将如何回流入内地的例子里,中国私人股本公司弘毅投资(HonyCapital)表示,该公司将利用前海特区,将在海外筹集的资金直接投资于内地。

    In another example of how renminbi will be channelled back into China , Hony Capital , a Chinese private equity firm , says it will use the zone to invest funds raised offshore directly into the mainland .

  6. 中联和CIFA交易40%都是由中国企业弘毅投资为主并包括(高盛)的财团所融资。

    The Zoomlion-CIFA deal was 40 % financed by a consortium of funds led by Hony Capital , a Chinese firm , and including Goldman Sachs .

  7. NetJets用了两年时间获得运营牌照,并让该公司与中国两家公司联手创建的合资公司开始运转。这两家中国公司是私募机构弘毅投资(HonyCapital)和投资基金冯氏投资(FungInvestments),它们持有该合资公司的多数股权。

    NetJets has been trying to win its operating certificate for two years , and to make its venture work it has partnered with two Chinese companies that together own a majority stake in the business - private equity firm Hony Capital and investment fund Fung Investments .

  8. 迄今为止,规模排名前20的交易中,只有两笔是在中国以外——弘毅收购英国PizzaExpress的交易和它最近入股澳大利亚能源公司Santos的交易。

    Until now , only two of the top 20 - Hony 's buyout of the UK 's PizzaExpress and its recent purchase of a stake in Australian energy company Santos - have been in China .

  9. 总部位于北京的弘毅投资(HonyCapital)去年与Cinven达成一笔9亿英镑的交易,收购了PizzaExpress。这家私募股权集团周一宣布,拟直接收购中国境内26家PizzaExpress特许经营餐厅,并计划每年开张至多15家新餐厅。

    Beijing-based Hony Capital , which acquired the pizza group in a £ 900m deal with Cinven last year , intends to directly acquire 26 franchised PizzaExpress restaurants in China the company said on Monday , and plans to open up to 15 more every year .

  10. 尽管如此,弘毅和联想并没有因为投资WeWork而偏离他们熟悉的疆域:此次融资所得将用来帮助该企业在亚洲扩张,中国是重点。

    Still , Hony and Legend are not straying from familiar territory with WeWork : the funds raised will be used to help the company expand in Asia , with China a focus .

  11. 还有先声药业和江苏林洋新能源有限公司与弘毅投资的合作等等。

    Just as Simcere Pharmaceuticals and Solarfun Power had done with Hony Capital .

  12. 自那以来,弘毅投资的海外投资范围纳入了酒店、医疗保健和科技资产。

    Since then , Hony 's overseas investments have included hotels , health care and technology .

  13. 为下一步与联想弘毅投资公司进行战略合作奠定了坚实基础。

    Legend Hony for further investment company with a strategic cooperation has laid a solid foundation .

  14. 弘毅投资是中国最大的私募股权公司之一,资产规模约为70亿美元。

    Hony Capital is one of China 's largest private-equity firms , with assets of about $ 7 billion .

  15. 赵令欢表示,弘毅投资的投资资金来自两只基金,即规模24亿美元的美元基金和规模人民币100亿元的人民币计价基金。

    Hony is investing from two funds , a $ 2.4 billion dollar fund and a 10 billion yuan-denominated fund .

  16. 论大学文化与大学精神&兼析甘肃政法学院新校训崇德明法、弘毅致公

    Collegial Culture and Collegial Spirit ── An Analysis on the New Collegial Instruction of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute

  17. 他说,弘毅投资乐于对相关全球品牌进行收购或投资,将这些品牌引入中国并建立日益增长的业务。

    We like to acquire and invest in these global brands , bring them to China and build growing businesses . '

  18. 在过去三年里,弘毅和联想已涉及价值至少80亿美元的交易。

    In the past three years , Hony and Legend have been involved in at least $ 8bn worth of transactions .

  19. 弘毅大酒店·武汉大学国际学术交流中心是一座新建的四星级酒店。

    Hongyi Hotel · Wuhan University International Academic Communication Center is a newly built four - star hotel equipped with state-of-the-art facilities .

  20. 不过,他的确表示,弘毅投资和其他中国投资者一直都很感兴趣的一个领域是包装食品,特别是有自己品牌的包装食品。

    He did say , however , that one area Hony and other Chinese players have been interested in is packaged foods , and especially branded ones .

  21. 在中国,弘毅投资坚持投资于国企的战略,帮助这些企业变得更加以市场为导向,这是中国的政策制定者一直在强调的一个总体目标。

    In China , Hony is sticking to investing in state-owned enterprises and helping them become more market-oriented , a broad goal that China 's policy makers have emphasized .

  22. 联想集团通过弘毅资本完成对旗下联想移动的控股,标志着联想集团对于手机终端市场的重视。

    Lenovo Group completed the M & A of its subsidiary Lenovo Mobile by Hony Capital Holdings which marks the Lenovo Group pays the attention of the handset market .

  23. 最新融资具有“战略意义”,一位知情人士表示,因为弘毅投资和联想控股将帮助该公司进入中国市场——预计在未来几个月之内进入。

    The new financing was " strategic , " said a person close to the deal , in that Hony and Legend will help with its launch in China , which is planned within the next several months .

  24. 但他说,弘毅投资现在认为,随着更多大型中资企业寻求国际化、更多国际品牌寻求进军中国不断增长的消费市场,跨境交易将成为其策略的另一个主要驱动力。

    But he said Hony now considers cross-border deals to be ' another major drive ' of its strategy , as more large Chinese firms look to internationalize and more international brands seek to tap into China 's growing consumer market .