
  • 网络Induced Draft Fan;id fan;idf
  1. 增压风机和引风机协调控制策略的应用

    The Application of Boosting Fan and IDF Coordinated Control System

  2. 跳机的原因:引风机顺序控制系统程序执行超时引起程序故障中断;引风机喘振大;

    The reasons of tripping are that the control system program of IDF ( induced draft fan ) implements overtime to cause the program malfunction interruption , and big surging vibration of IDF as well as high bearing temperature .

  3. 引风机出口F型三通性能优化

    The performance optimization of the F-type three - way pipe

  4. 引风机叶轮叶片的CAD系统

    CAD system on draw fan blades

  5. 发电厂引风机叶片耐磨陶瓷覆层的SHS合成研究

    Research on SHS Method Produced Abrasion Resistant Ceramic Coating on Blades of Power Plant Induced Fans

  6. 变频器在35T锅炉引风机中的应用

    Application of Frequency Converter in Lead Breeze Machine for 35t Boiler

  7. 300MW机组引风机变频负压控制的应用

    The Application of Wind Blower Negative Pressure of 300 MW Generator Unit

  8. 超临界机组送、引风机RUNBACK试验过程及分析

    Testing Procedure and Analyses of Super Criticality Unit 's FDF / IDF RUNBACK

  9. 某电厂300MW引风机叶片断裂原因分析

    Analysis of the blade cracks of the ID fan at a 300 MW power plant

  10. IGBT-PWM变频调速在锅炉引风机的应用

    Application of IGBT-PWM-basd VF Speed Regulation to Boiler Air-inducer

  11. 指出了SCR的加装使压力波动增大,低负荷时会影响稳定燃烧,使炉膛内爆的可能性变大,引风机喘振出现的几率变大。

    The installation of SCR would lead to the increase of pressure fluctuation , do harm to the burning stability of the furnace , and give more chances to boiler implosion as well as induced fan surge .

  12. 运用有关生产系统典型控制理论,构成送、引风机自动控制系统,并融入电厂分散控制系统(DCS),实现锅炉风机送、引风量的自动调节。

    Using relevant production system typical control theory , constitute send , induced draft fan automatic control system , and the embracing of power plant distributed control system ( DCS ), realize the boiler fan send , lead air automatic adjustment .

  13. 液力偶合器在125MW机组引风机上的应用

    Application of Hydraulic Pressure Coupler in Drawing Fan of 125 MW Generating Units

  14. 随着高压变频装置应用领域不断扩大,300MW机组轴流静叶可调引风机也开始应用。

    Along with the wide application of high voltage variable frequency device , the use of 300 MW unit axial flow induced draft fan is started .

  15. 提出了两种方案:方案一,在ACF反应器中同时脱除SO2/NOx/Hg,布置在主体工程引风机与烟囱之间的烟道上。

    Two suggestions were proposed as : The plan I was considered to removal SO2 / NOx / Hg in an ACF reactor . The reactor was arranged in duct between the induced fan and the stack .

  16. 分析采用SCR烟气脱硝装置后对锅炉岛的总体布置、锅炉钢结构、炉膛承压设计、空气预热器性能和设计及对引风机风压等的影响;

    The author gave a brief introduction of flue gas de-NOx technologies at home and abroad , analyzed the influence on boiler island arrangement , boiler steel structure , furnace pressure design , performance and design of air preheater , induced fan pressure header after installing SCR system .

  17. 采用GTC耐磨合金堆焊工艺,表面强化济钢焦化厂A3钢引风机外壳易磨损部位,使用寿命提高8倍以上。

    Easily wearing position of draught fan case surface , made from A 3 steel , is forced to take build-up welding process of GTC wear resisting alloy , and the service life of it is increased by a factor of 9 .

  18. GW级机组引风机与增压风机合并设置检查人员建议,公司应当考虑在这些通风系统之间安装一个连锁分离装置,以防止单元增压。

    Installation of ID fan combined with FGD booster fan for 1 000 MW units A recommendation was made by inspectors that consideration be given by the company to the fitting of an interlock trip between the ventilation systems to prevent cell pressurization .

  19. 25F型引风机主轴轴颈损坏的原因进行分析,介绍了现场修复轴颈的方法,为延长类似主轴使用寿命提供经验。

    25F double-suction induced-draft fan , and introduces the methods of repairing journal on site , to put forwards experiences for prolonging the life of the similar main axis .

  20. 300MW机组引风机采用变频装置后,风量的调节相对原有运行方式有很大的改动,并且高压变频装置自身的可靠性也将会影响机组的正常工作。

    After the induced fan for 300 MW employed variable frequency device , the air flow regulation has great changes , and the reliability of the high voltage variable frequency device itself could affect the normal operation of the unit .

  21. 离心式引风机使用无功就地补偿器的效果分析

    Effect Analysis on Wattless Situ Compensator for Centrifugal Induced Draft Fan

  22. 加热炉余热系统引风机的应用

    Application of air exhauster to waste heat system of reheat furnace

  23. 四吨锅炉引风机噪声综合治理

    Noise Controlling in Comprehensive Way for Draught Fan of Four-ton Boiler

  24. 炼钢厂引风机叶轮粘灰控制

    Removal of Dust from Blades of Steel - making Plant Fan

  25. 大型轴流式引风机的并列试验与喘振分析

    Parallel Running Tests & Surge Analysis of Large Axial Flow Fans

  26. 大型火电站锅炉送引风机的可靠性增长模型及预测

    Reliability Growth Model and Predictive for Fans of Coal-fired Power Plant

  27. 锅炉引风机改调速运行的探讨

    The Discussion on Adjustable Speed Operation of Boiler Induced Draft Fan

  28. 防止引风机叶片积灰振动的研究

    Prevent Induced Draft Fan from Vibration due to Fouling on Blades

  29. 湿式除尘系统引风机带水问题分析

    Analysis on exhaust fan with water in wet dust control system

  30. 300MW/600MW锅炉引风机的优化型式

    Optimized Pattern for 300MW / 600 MW Boiler Induced Draft Fan