
yǐn yǔ
  • quotation;citation;text
引语 [yǐn yǔ]
  • (1) [quotation]∶适于引用的著名的、杰出的或流行的段落

  • 引语集锦

  • (2) [text]∶语录,[文章、演说中]自权威方面的一段话作为引言或根据者

  • 用那段引语作出发点

引语[yǐn yǔ]
  1. 下面的例子使用了q元素分离文本中的引语。

    This example uses the Q element to set apart a quotation in text .

  2. 仅是引语检索就可检索语言、作者、出版或原文内容(例如所有包含单词tax的引语)。

    And quotation searches alone can be scathed by language , author , publication or text content ( for example , all quotations containing the word " tax ") .

  3. 只有直接引语应放在引号内。

    Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas .

  4. 这篇文章满篇皆是引语。

    The essay was full of quotes .

  5. 引语可能会被篡改,使用时断章取义。

    Quotes can be manipulated and used out of context .

  6. 在《引语词典》中,“亲吻”这一条目不下一栏半。

    In The Dictionary of Quotations , there are no fewer than one and a half columns devoted to ' kiss ' .

  7. 贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采。

    The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches .

  8. 这些引语很难查出出自何处。

    These quotations cannot readily be traced to their sources .

  9. 在叙述过程中,间接引语的动词通常用过去式。

    In narrative , the reporting verb is in the past tense .

  10. “我下周干什么?”我问道。(可以说,shall变成间接引语时,变成了should。)

    " What shall I do next week ?" I asked .

  11. say和tell常用以表达间接引语。

    Say and tell often report speech .

  12. 当said,asked等词置于引语之间时,句子的后半部分以小写字母开始。

    D When words like ' said ' or ' asked ' interrupt the speaker , the second half of the sentence begins with a small letter .

  13. n.前言;引语作者在这本书的序言里说什么?

    preface What did the writer say in the preface of the book ?

  14. 不过每次我听到这句引语,我都会遗憾莎士比亚(Shakespeare)没写过下面这些文字:所有会伤害到他们的事物,每当有人试图反对时,他们通常习惯于劝说不要反对。

    Yet every time I hear the quote I regret that Shakespeare ever wrote these words : they are routinely used to discourage anyone from trying to object to anything that does them damage .

  15. TEM-4的作文题形式有其较固定的结构,包括引语、标题和要求。

    The topic of the TEM-4 composition writing task usually consists of three parts : introductory remarks , title and requirements .

  16. 然而,社交网络上还蔓延着各种猜测和半真半假的信息来自马克吐温(marktwain)和马丁路德金(martinlutherkingjr)的神话般的引语,以及美国驻阿富汗大使馆发生爆炸的谣言。

    Added to them , however , was a collection of imaginings and half-truths spread on social networks mythical quotes from Mark Twain and Martin Luther King Jr and rumours of a blast at the US embassy in Afghanistan .

  17. “智能ASCII”是一种文本格式,它使用一些间隔约定来区分文本块的类型,如头、常规文本、引语和代码样本。

    " Smart ASCII " is a text format that uses a few spacing conventions to distinguish types of text blocks such as headers , regular text , quotations , and code samples .

  18. 本文采用Fairclough提出的批评性语篇分析框架,从转述方式和消息来源两个方面对比了《新华日报》与《今日美国》在报导法国骚乱这一事件时所使用的转述引语。

    The present study mainly draws on Fairclough 's three-dimensional framework of critical discourse analysis . The comparison between the speech reporting in Xinhua Daily and USA Today on the reporting of French unrest is conducted from two perspectives : modes of speech reporting and news sources .

  19. 直接引语和间接引语&日英引语比较探析

    Direct and Indirect Speech-A Comparative Study of Japanese and English Speech

  20. 用间接引语谈论其他人说的话。

    Use reported speech to talk about what someone else said .

  21. 历史上,名人们的引语经常是误传的。

    Throughout history , quotes of famous people are often misrepresented .

  22. 她选用了一句明知会激怒他的引语。

    She chose a quotation that she knew would enrage him .

  23. 他另外说了几句模棱两可的恭维话和一句拉丁引语。

    He weighed in with some doubleedged compliments and Latin quotation .

  24. 把下列句子变成直接引语或间接引语。

    Turn the following sentences into direct Speech or Indirect Speech .

  25. 我终於在引语词典中查到了那段引文

    I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotation

  26. 论聚焦与自由间接引语在《印度之行》中的运用

    Focalization and Free Indirect Discourse in A Passage to India

  27. 她不喜欢用许多引语添凑起来的短论。

    She does not like an essay padded out with numerous quotations .

  28. 引语的第一个词以大写字母开头。

    B The speaker 's first word begins with a capital letter .

  29. 尽量用些引语来充实你的文章。

    Try fleshing your essay out with a few quotations .

  30. 杰夫:他对亚伯拉罕林肯的引语有什么看法?

    Jeff : what did he think of the Abraham Lincoln quotation ?