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Study on Idiosyncratic Human Capital Pricing and Application Based on Real Option Theory
On the Idiosyncratic Human Capital Model of Firm Nature & Also on Internal Paradoxicality of Coase Transaction Cost Model
The Study on the Influences of Heterogeneous Human Capital on FDI Technology Spillover Effect
Business Competitive Edge and Heterogeneous Human Capital
China has a large population , but is short of heterogeneous human capital with high quality .
Entrepreneur is the owner of heterogenetic human capital as well as the original property rights main-body of it .
Two-dimensional Weighting Stock Ownership Incentive for Idiosyncratic Human Capital ; of secondary industry , 106.37 billion yuan , up by 12.8 percent ;
Based on the knowledge economy era , the geographic distribution of heterogeneous human capital always has an important effect of regional economic development .
The essence of the stock option is a science list price mechanism that lies in passing the capital market to calculate manpower of differences type .
A native or inhabitant of the Samoan Islands . The Essence of Increasing Returns of Idiosyncratic Human Capital & Refinement of the Concept of Idiosyncratic Human Capital
The entrepreneur is proprietor of heterogeneous human capital in the dynamic economy , who realizes the latent profits by exerting the imaginative power and creative power .
Learned a lot from the entrepreneur innovation theory of Schumpeter , the writer believes that entrepreneur in a broad sense is a kind of Idiosyncratic Human Capital .
And it points that the main condition of the sustained and healthy growth of the economic is the best mate between idiosyncratic human resources and material resources .
Focusing on this theme , we have done the following work mainly : First , we have put forward the concept of " Strategic idiosyncratic human capital " .
Human capital falls into a wide category in economics . The writer divided it into two kinds according to whether human capital bears the spirit and capacity of innovation .
Whether an enterprise has a great capability for competing is concerned with many factors among which the quality and quantity of Idiosyncratic Human Capital is the most important one .
This paper holds that heterogeneous human capital is the key variable of business competitive edge , studies the important contents of heterogeneous human capital , reaches a conclusion and gives some enlightenments .
Currently , commercial banks in China mainly rely on short - term incentive mechanism , which leads to human capital 's short - term opportunism behaviors , impacts and limits the realization of idiosyncratic human capital value in the commercial banks .
Third , proposed a more flexible diversification incentive compensation model , more suitable as a business manager for the heterogeneity of human capital property rights and corporate property rights of the general human capital - the general staff of the dual incentives .
Moreover , if we divide the capital the entrepreneurs depend on for their development into political capital and discrete human resource , it is clear that the combination of the different types of capital and system determines the basic pattern for the entrepreneur 's development .
As the owners of heterogeneous manpower capital , entrepreneurs take enterprise management as their occupation , driving the enterprise to obtain the huge economic efficiency and the social benefit , occupying status anyone cannot substitute and playing important role in the social economy construction and the enterprise .