
yì lèi
  • Heterogeneous;the odd one out;people not of the same clan;different function;extraordinary talents;of different class or species
异类 [yì lèi]
  • (1) [different function]∶不同种类

  • (2) [extraordinary talents]∶杰出的才能

  • 奇才异类

  • (3) [of different class or species]∶古代对少数民族的蔑称

  • 不育异类。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

异类[yì lèi]
  1. 他一直都被视为异类,无人理睬,形单影只。

    He had always been an outcast , unwanted and alone

  2. 独身者被当成异类,而且要付一笔额外的费用。

    Single people are treated as an aberration and made to pay a supplement .

  3. 阿塞拜疆没有举行民主选举,是这些共和国中的异类。

    Azerbaijan has been the odd man out , the one republic not to hold democratic elections

  4. Web服务正在逐步成为服务和提供异类系统之间的互操作性的主流技术。

    Web services are becoming a main steam technology for implementing services and providing interoperability between heterogeneous systems .

  5. 异类DAN的一致Web管理模型的研究

    Research of a Web-Based Uniform Management Model of Heterogeneous DAN

  6. SqlServer与异类数据源数据传输研究

    The Research between Different Data Sources and SQL Server DataBase of Data Transmission

  7. SOA将很多异类服务连接为一个具有内聚性的互操作环境。

    An SOA links together many disparate services into one cohesive interoperating environment .

  8. 为了应对日益复杂的异类数据库环境,人们意识到需要创建企业数据模型(EnterpriseDataModel,EDM)。

    To deal with increasingly complex and heterogonous database environments , people realized a need to create an Enterprise Data Model ( EDM ) .

  9. 在这个由关于Applebot(苹果(Apple)的网络爬虫——译者注)的议论和硅谷(SiliconValley)狂热者主导的商业世界里,马尔凯蒂是个异类。

    In a commercial world dominated by chatter about Applebot and Silicon Valley evangelists , Marchetti is an exception .

  10. SOA在经常受到业务环境的频繁更改影响的异类环境中尤为有用。

    SOA is particularly useful in heterogeneous environments that are subject to frequent changes in the business environment .

  11. 因此,从多个异类源收集信息是SOA依赖的一项重要需求和功能。

    Gathering information from multiple heterogeneous sources is therefore an important requirement and capability that SOA relies on .

  12. 基于SIP异类网间通信的解决方案

    Solution for communication between heterogeneous network based on SIP

  13. 如果董事长比尔&12539;盖茨(BillGates)和鲍尔默均留在董事会,微软将会成为一个异类。

    If Chairman Bill Gates and Mr. Ballmer stay on the board , Microsoft would be an outlier .

  14. ORACLE异类服务(HS)技术原理与实践

    The Theory and Practice of ORACLE Heterogeneous Service Technical

  15. 该算法采用信道带宽作为QoS参数来刻画网络的异类性。

    The key QoS parameter adopted in this algorithm is channel bandwidth which denotes the heterogeneity of the networks .

  16. 企业服务总线(EnterpriseServiceBus,ESB)将事件驱动的方法和面向服务的方法结合使用,以简化业务单元的集成,从而在异类平台和环境间建立联系。

    An Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) combines event-driven and service oriented approaches to simplify integration of business units , bridging heterogeneous platforms and environments .

  17. 分布式异类传感器网Hough变换航迹起始算法

    Hough transform track initiation algorithm for distributed heterogeneous sensor network

  18. 异类技术和系统中各种服务之间的连接性是企业信息系统实现SOA的基础之一。

    Connectivity of services across heterogeneous technologies and systems is one of the foundations in implementing SOA for enterprise information systems .

  19. SOA的基本原则之一是,它能跨各种异类功能和基础设施环境提供服务互操作性。

    One of the basic tenets of SOA is that it provides interoperability of services across various heterogeneous functional and infrastructure environments .

  20. ServiceDataObjects(SDO)2.1是一种数据编程体系结构和API,可提供对异类数据源的统一数据访问。

    Service Data Objects ( SDO ) 2.1 is a data programming architecture and an API that provides uniform access to data across heterogeneous data sources .

  21. 通过实验表明:异类网络的端到端QoS支持可以降低网络拥塞、传输延时、延时波动和丢包率,提高网络整体性能。

    This approach reduces congestion , delay , jitter and loss probability , and improves networked performance in heterogeneous mobile networks .

  22. WebSphereEventBroker侧重于通过基于高性能内容和主题的发布/订阅消息路由分配来自异类源的实时信息。

    WebSphere Event Broker was focused on the distribution of real-time information from disparate sources through high-performance content-and topic-based publish / subscribe message routing .

  23. 将A.B.Kaiser提出的关于膜电阻的异类丝状模型(HeterogeneousFibrillarModel)引入到碳纳米管膜电阻的分析模型中。

    The resistance model of carbon nanotube films was introduced through heterogeneous fibrillar film resistance model about film resistance built by A. B. Kaiser .

  24. 基于桥接盟员的异类RTI和多联盟互连技术研究

    Research on the Interconnection of Heterogeneous RTIs and Multi-Federations Based on Bridge Federate

  25. SCA支持各种组件实现技术,能够在这些异类技术之间进行连接。

    SCA supports a wide variety of component implementation technologies and is capable of connecting between those heterogeneous technologies .

  26. Web服务和JMS是集成异类系统的两种常用方法&它们还让您能够解决许多此类复杂难题。

    Web services and JMS are two common ways of integrating heterogenous systems & and they also enable you to solve many of these complex challenges .

  27. 在数据层,本文把抽象工厂(AbstractFactory)和数据访问对象(DataAccessObject,DAO)模式.相结合,解决了企业应用异类数据源问题;

    This paper designs general data layer component upon the combination of abstract factory and Data Access Object ( DAO ) pattern to solve the problem of different types data sources ;

  28. 作为支持Web服务的工作流系统,集成Web服务时必须解决一些重要问题,包括:Web服务的发现,Web服务的服务质量管理,以及异类Web服务与工作流中其他任务的语义集成等。

    However , problems such as Web Services discovery , quality of services management of autonomous Web Services , and semantic integration of heterogeneous Web Services , need to be solved in web-services-enabled workflow systems .

  29. UsernameTokenProfile是在异类环境中运行的应用程序之间传递身份验证信息的好方法。

    The UsernameToken profile is a good way to pass authentication information between applications running in a heterogeneous environment .

  30. 通过在应用程序,以及异类的身份验证和授权机制之间放置抽象层,JAAS可以简化Java安全开发。

    JAAS simplifies Java security development by putting an abstraction layer between application and disparate underlying authentication and authorization mechanisms .