
  • 网络Cape Town;capetown
  1. 南非开普顿大学的生物学家吉尔·法兰特表示,对那些想在降雨量无法预测的地方种植农作物的人来说,大自然有很多答案。

    Biologist Jill Farrant of the University of Cape Town in South Africa says that nature has plenty of answers for people who want to grow crops in places with unpredictable rainfall .

  2. 纽约此次排在了第六名,之后的排名则由土耳其的伊斯坦布尔,南非的开普顿,墨西哥的瓦哈卡以及旧金山瓜分。

    New York ranked sixth , followed by Istanbul in turkey , Cape Town in South africa , Oaxaca in Mexico and San francisco .

  3. 北卡罗来纳州东南部城市,位于开普顿菲尔河上罗利市东南偏南。

    A city of southeast North Carolina on the Cape Fear River south-southeast of Raleigh .

  4. 到时长途汽车将有2个分离的出发点&斯坦福桥和开普顿公园赛马场。

    There will be two separate starting points for the coaches - Stamford Bridge and Kempton Park Racecourse .

  5. 但是,后来我到开普顿一家珠宝店,从项炼上的金十字架坠子到订婚钻戒,都仔细赏过,于是我更难想像,我们智人会有别的行为模式。

    But later , perusing a Cape Town jeweler 's offerings-from cross pendants cast in gold to diamond engagement rings-it is harder still to conceive of Homo sapiens behaving any other way .