
  • 网络open skies;Treaty on Open Skies
  1. 多边《开放天空条约》于2002年开始生效。

    The multilateral Treaty on Open Skies became effective in 2002 .

  2. 美国表示已正式退出《开放天空条约》。

    The United States says it has officially the Open Skies Treaty .

  3. 俄罗斯否认了公然藐视《开放天空条约》的指控。

    Moscow has denied the allegations of flouting the Open Skies Treaty .

  4. 俄罗斯联邦委员会通过退出军控协议《开放天空条约》的法案。

    The Russian Federation Council has passed a bill to the arms-control Treaty on Open Skies .

  5. 俄罗斯外交部于1月15日宣布,该国已启动退出《开放天空条约》的国内程序,此前美国也退出了这一条约。

    The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Jan. 15 that the country had started domestic procedures for the pullout from the Treaty on Open Skies , following the same step by Washington .

  6. 2002年生效的多边《开放天空条约》允许其缔约国在对方领土上进行非武装侦察飞行,以收集有关军事力量和活动的数据。

    The multilateral Treaty on Open Skies , which in 2002 , allows its states-parties to conduct unarmed reconnaissance flights over the others ' territories to collect data on military forces and activities .