
  • 网络open pneumothorax;opened pneumothorax
  1. 仔细观察前胸及后背部,鉴别是否有开放性气胸或连枷胸等情况。

    Visual evaluation of the chest , both anterior and posterior , identifies such conditions as open pneumothorax and large flail segments .

  2. 应用经套管针置入双腔气囊式胸腔引流装置治疗开放性气胸35例,治愈20例,占57.2%;

    The authors place double tract sac thoracic duction instrument through authors cannulation to treat 35 cases open pneumothorax , recovered 20 cases , 57 2 % ;

  3. 自发性开放性气胸病人的麻醉处理

    Anesthetic Management of the Patients of Open Spontaneous Pneumothorax