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kāi guó
  • found a state
开国 [kāi guó]
  • [found a state] 创建国家

  • 开国元勋

开国[kāi guó]
  1. 委员会决定召开国大党会议。

    The Committee decided to call a meeting of the All India Congress

  2. 18世纪,亚历山大?汉密尔顿(AlexanderHamilton)和托马斯?杰斐逊(Thomasjefferson)等美国的开国之父,曾就是否应支持法国大革命展开激辩。

    In the 18th century , founding fathers such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson argued bitterly about whether to support the French revolution .

  3. 金正日在他的父亲、朝鲜开国领导人金日成(Kimil-sung)1994年去世之前,有多得多的时间用来准备接班。

    Kim Jong-il had much more time to prepare before his father Kim Il-sung , North Korea 's founder , died in 1994 .

  4. 朴南基被处决后,他的职位由80多岁的老人YunGiJeong接替。YunGiJeong主要是作为朝鲜开国元首金日成的亲信而闻名。

    After Mr. Park was executed , he was replaced by an octogenarian , Yun Gi Jeong , known primarily as a confidante of North Korea 's founder , Kim Il Sung .

  5. 新加坡国立大学的前身是莱佛士学院(RafflesCollege),新加坡开国之父李光耀的母校;李光耀因推动了高效率政府和完美的公共服务而备受赞誉,这给在新加坡学习公共政策增添了吸引力。

    The campus was once home to Raffles College , the alma mater of Mr Lee , Singapore 's founding father , who is credited with driving the efficient government and faultless public services that add to the draw of studying policy in the city-state .

  6. 经典电影《开国大典》参加了第62届奥斯卡外语片展映,该片4K新版将于周五(10月18日)登陆中国电影院。

    The 4K version of " The Birth of New China , " screened as the Chinese entry for Best Foreign Language Film at the 62nd Academy Awards , will hit Chinese cinemas on Friday ( Oct. 18 ) .

  7. 我们5天的行程包括平壤、朝韩紧张的边境上的非军事区(DMZ)以及位于山区的朝鲜开国领导人金日成(KimIl-sung)的出生地万景台(Mangyongdae)。

    Our five-day trip took us to Pyongyang , to the demilitarised zone on the tense border with South Korea and to Mangyongdae , a mountainous region that is the birthplace of Kim Il Sung , the nation 's founder .

  8. 按照这样的定义,发明家、美国的开国先贤之一本杰明•富兰克林(BenjaminFranklin)就是典型的黑客——尽管在他的年代这个词的含义和砍树有关。他从来不申请专利,因为他认为人类所有的知识都应该免费。

    Under this definition Benjamin Franklin , inventor and one of the founding fathers of the US ( who never filed a patent because he believed all human knowledge should be free ) is an archetypal hacker - even though the word had something to do with cutting down trees in his day .

  9. 朱元璋,132s年1o月21日生于濠州,卒于1398年6月24日,年号洪武,谥号高帝,庙号太祖,中国明朝的开国皇帝。

    Zhu Yuanzhang ( born Oct. 21 , 1328 , Hao-chou , died June 24 , 1389 ) , reign name Hongwu , posthumous name Gaodi , temple name Taizu , was the founder of China 's Ming Dynasty .

  10. 近代日本开国与开港探析&以横滨为视角

    Analysis of Country Opening and Port Opening in Neoteric Japan

  11. 屋大维成为了一个新时代的开国皇帝。

    Octavian became the first emperor of a new era .

  12. 他俩生的女儿叫哈耳摩尼业,日后成为战火连绵的底比斯王朝的开国女祖。

    Their daughter Harmonia is the ancestress of the unquiet dynasty of Thebes .

  13. 多党合作:开国领袖的世纪遗产

    Multi-party Cooperation System : Century Legacy of State Founders

  14. 宏伟的国家纪念碑是为纪念开国者而树立的。

    The splendid national monument was eredted in memory of the country 's founders .

  15. 他呼吁美国人民回到开国者积极进取的精神状态。

    He calls Americans back to the can-do spirit of the nation 's founders .

  16. 国公,应是开国勋臣所封授的爵位。

    Guo gong is a title of nobility granted to founders of a state .

  17. (君是传说中高句丽神秘的开国国君)在韩国网上的历史论坛里到处都充斥着类似的历史观点。

    And online Korean historical fora are absolutely replete with a similar historical understanding .

  18. 我们的开国先祖甚至把追求幸福写入了《独立宣言》。

    Our Founding Fathers even wrote the pursuit of happiness into The Declaration of Independence .

  19. 开国之父们赋予参议院这样权力,在宪法中这被称为副同意。

    The founding fathers gave senate that power in constitution that 's called vice consent .

  20. 试析新中国开国外交的意识形态

    The ideology of China 's founding diplomacy

  21. 秦始皇,姓赢名政,是秦朝的开国皇帝。

    Chin Shihhuang , also named Yingzheng , is the founder of the Qin dynasty .

  22. ·根据客户的不同需求开国及执行新销售策略。

    Uses a high level of creativity in executing sales strategy to meet diverse customer needs .

  23. 但是,托马斯杰弗逊是令美国右翼不爽的开国先贤。

    But Thomas Jefferson is the founder who sticks in the craw of the sanctimonious American right .

  24. 开国先贤所追求的勇敢明智的理想仍有待完成。

    The bold and brilliant dream which excited the founder of this nation still awaits its consummation .

  25. 作为元朝的龙兴之地和开国之都,元上都的历史地位十分重要。

    As the foundation of all land and Longxing , Yuan on the historical position is very important .

  26. 凤阳是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋的出生地,在明朝有着特殊的地位。

    Fengyang Prefecture was the birthplace of Zhu Yuanzhang , where had a special status in the Ming Dynasty .

  27. 由此美国的开国者之一,本杰明富兰克林,进入公共生活。

    And that was how one of America 's founding fathers , Benjamin Franklin , came into public life .

  28. 刘盈是西汉开国皇帝刘邦的皇子。

    Liu Yin was the son of the Emperor Liu Bang who had founded the state of West Han .

  29. 历史学家认为比什么都重要的是,这些开国者都受到他们世代的限制。

    More than anything , the historians say , the founders were hampered by the culture of their time .

  30. 开国君主都如此,大理国崇尚佛教的情况可以想象。当时大理国的百姓,都以崇信佛教为容。

    Every founding king did like this and all the common people in Dali were proud of worshipping the Buddha .