
kāi ɡōnɡ lǜ
  • Operating rate;utilization of capacity
  1. 本文通过对化工装置开工率重要性和影响开工率的各因素分析,并根据广石化乙烯装置实际生产情况,提出了提高化工装置开工率的途径。

    Through the analysis about the importance of the petrol chemical utilization of capacity and the facts which affect the uti-lization of capacity units , this discussion offer a way to improve the utilization of capacity , based on the practical production condition of ethylene units in SINOPEC Guangzhou Branch .

  2. 目前我国化工、石油、钢铁等行业所大量使用的进口工业色谱仪开工率不高,操作人员和科技工作者没有条件熟练也是原因之一。

    At present the imported industrial chromatograph utilization of capacity is lower in industries of chemical , petroleum , steel and iron . One of reasons is that operators and scientific and technical workers have no condition to be skilled .

  3. Power说,2010年,乘用车生产厂的开工率可能会下滑至67%,低于汽车业80%这一标准的收支平衡水平。

    Power says passenger-vehicle plant utilization could drop to67 % in2010 , some way below the80 % standard break-even level for the auto industry .

  4. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)预测,到2015年,新屋开工率将达到每年140万套,高于今年的70万套。

    Goldman Sachs expects housing starts to hit 1.4m annually by 2015 , up from 700,000 this year .

  5. 丰田汽车(ToyotaMotorCorp.)上周五说,计划下周恢复在华工厂的生产,但由于上个月汽车销量下滑,恢复生产后开工率将低于中日岛屿争端升温之前的水平。

    Toyota Motor Corp. said Friday that it plans to resume production at its factories in China next week , but at lower levels than before the unrest due to the drop in sales last month .

  6. 如果PTA价格未能与上涨的PX价格同步,我们将会考虑降低开工率来应对收缩的利润空间。一PTA大厂生产商告诉记者。

    " If PTA prices could not rise in line with rising PX prices , we will consider cutting the operating rates due to squeezed margin ," said a major PTA producer .

  7. 综述了当前世界聚苯乙烯(PS)市场的供需现状,指出目前全球生产能力大于消费需求量,致使开工率仅76%左右。

    The current situation of polystyrene supply and demand worldwide is summarized . It is pointed out that the operating rate of polystyrene units is only about 76 % because the production capacity exceeds the consumption demand in the world .

  8. 试用结果表明,采用新型交替运输机后,胶块的导向到位率由70%提高到98%减轻了劳动强度,提高了生产开工率;运行周期可达1a以上。

    The running of the transporter showed that the newly developed alternating transporter raised the guide positional ratio from 70 % to 98 % , reduced the labor intensity , the run length reached 1 a.

  9. 即使多晶硅生产商的新设施于2008年投产,瑞银集团(UBS)分析师TakaakiMuramatsu表示,开工率可能也不会低于100%;因此,产品短缺现象仍将持续存在。

    Even when new facilities begin to ramp up at the poly-crystal silicon makers in 2008 , said UBS analyst Takaaki Muramatsu , utilisation may not fall below 100 per cent ; thus the product shortage could continue .

  10. 通过稳定工作电压在38kV ̄42kV,调整电晕丝中心位置,在蒸汽伴热管上增设排气口等措施,确保了电捕焦油器的连续运行,成功地提升了电捕焦油器的开工率。

    And by ensuring the working voltage to 39kV ~ 42kV , and adjusting the central position of the corona wire and adding an exhaust at the steam tracing , the electro tar precipitator can be operated continuously , and the on stream factor of it has been extended .

  11. 大多数专家预计住房建筑的开工率将有所下降。

    Most experts forecast a mild decline in housing starts .

  12. 提高化工装置开工率的新途径

    Way to Elevate the Operating Rate of Chemical Device

  13. 缩短开车时间提高尿素装置开工率

    Shortening the Start - up Time and Increasing the Production Output of Urea Plant

  14. 高压聚乙烯产量与开工率的相关性分析及应用

    Analysis of Relativity of HDPE Plant 's Output and Operating Rate and its Application

  15. 其他数据显示,美国工厂的开工率降到了最低记录的水平。

    Other data shows the amount of U.S.factory capacity being used matched a record-low level .

  16. 11月的新屋开工率下跌了百分之19,达到1959年以来的最低水平。

    New home construction in November fell 19 percent to its lowest level since 1959 .

  17. 分析了我国聚酯工业目前存在的主要问题是开工率不足,经济效益下降;

    The main problem existing in China polyester industry was operating rate insufficiency and economic benefit reduction .

  18. 磨矿机的开工率是高的。

    Mill availability is high .

  19. 美国商务部说,建筑商叁月份新住房开工率比二月份提高1.6%。

    The Commerce Department says builders broke ground on1.6 percent more homes in March than the prior month .

  20. 与此同时,美国正在对外输出燃油,特别是馏分油,因为美国的生产商们提高了开工率。

    Meanwhile , the US is exporting fuels , especially distillates , as producers have cranked up operating rates .

  21. 中石油的平均开工率是80%,低于90%的正常水平。

    PetroChina 's average run rates are 80 per cent , down from more typical levels of 90 per cent .

  22. 自2006年初以来,单户住宅的新屋开工率下降了60%,但只是在最近,才降至单户住宅的需求以下。

    Single-family housing starts have declined by 60 per cent since early 2006 , but have only recently fallen below single-family home demand .

  23. 采用新型注汽技术改造,降低结焦先兆物,使裂解炉开工率提高到96.8%以上。

    The paper describes that new type inject steam technology can reduce coke precursor , resulting in operation rate of cracking furnace over 96.8 % .

  24. 美国商务部报告说,新房开工率以及建造房屋的许可申请在2010年1月份下跌到创记录的低水平。

    The Commerce Department reported on Wednesday that construction of new homes and applications for permits to build homes plunged to record lows in January .

  25. 对全球聚烯烃市场进行了分析与预测,从需求、生产能力、开工率及贸易四方面做了具体阐述。

    This article analyses and forecasts the global polyolefin market . It expounds from four aspects : demand , production capacity , operating rate and trade .

  26. 鉴于制造商陷入亏损的海洋,开工率低迷,季度降幅达10.4%的私营部门资本支出可能也会继续下降。

    Ditto for private capital expenditure , down 10.4 per cent quarter on quarter , given the sea of red ink at manufacturers and depressed utilisation rates .

  27. 由于许多炼油厂在设计时以柴油产量最大化为目标,因此它们必须保持较高的开工率,才能保持汽油和航空燃油产量水平不变。

    Because many are designed to maximise diesel production , they must keep operating rates high to achieve the same level of petrol and jet fuel output .

  28. 大庆炼油提高竞争力的途径是扩大装置规模,提高装置开工率,降低原料消耗等。

    To increase the capacities of plants and improve the operating rate , to decrease the consumption of raw materials are the approach to improve the competitiveness .

  29. 他的中国客户未能给出任何迹象,表明“未来一段时间内,钢铁行业的开工率将好转或出现巨大变化”。

    His Chinese customers had failed to offer any indication that " the operating rate in the steel industry will improve or change dramatically over the next little while " .

  30. 本文简述了日本环氧树脂最新市场概况,主要包括生产能力、生产开工率、产量、市场销售构成、出口、价格变化以及技术开发等,可以作为我国环氧树脂行业发展的借鉴。

    An introduction was given on the epoxy resin market in Japan , including productivity , operating rate , output , market structure , exports , prices and technical development .