
  • 网络Development Phase;Developing Phase;Development stage;Construction Phase
  1. 因此,当您在开发阶段频繁遇到屏幕变化时,Selenium则是自动化IBMSystemsDirectorGUI测试的当然之选。

    Thus , Selenium was an obvious choice to automate IBM Systems Director GUI testing where you encounter screen changes frequently during the development phase .

  2. 在规则开发阶段中,完成业务规则开发和在Rule角度的升级之后,您应该将其部署到RES。

    After the business rules are developed and updated in the Rule perspective during the rule development phase , you should deploy them to RES.

  3. 经过在开发阶段的一些启动后,你可以使用ApplicationServer管理工具对其进行必要的改变。

    After some enablement at development time , you can make the necessary changes using the Application Server administration tool .

  4. 必须指出的是,Ming仍处于开发阶段。

    I should point out that Ming is still in development .

  5. 以目前正处于开发阶段的基于知识工程(KBE&Knowledgebasedengineering)的设计方法来研究制动器的设计问题,对推动相关汽车零部件产品采用更加先进的开发手段具有十分重要的意义。

    Taking the KBE ( knowledge based engineering ) to study the problem of brake design plays great roles in promoting developing other correlative vehicle components .

  6. 并简要地给出了J2EE应用系统的几个开发阶段。

    And several steps Are briefly provided for developing J2EE application system .

  7. 本文从Java语言的角度,论述了如何在开发阶段提高系统的安全性。

    From the point of view of java language , this paper discusses how to improve the security of the system during the developing stage .

  8. 尽管还处于开发阶段,GoogleBookSearchDataAPI仍然为开发人员将图书搜索结果集成到Web应用程序中提供了无限可能性。

    The Google Book Search Data API , although still under development , offers tremendous potential in allowing developers to integrate book search results into a Web application .

  9. 文章具体描述了公路质量管理系统的设计方案并用UML对系统的各个开发阶段进行了各类建模。

    The article describes the designing project of this system and builds every kind of models in each of exploder phases .

  10. 如果在开发阶段数据结构就可以确定的话,SDO体系结构还提供了静态API功能。

    The SDO architecture also provides static API capabilities when the data structure is defined at development time .

  11. 通过CMM测试模式对需求及系统进行的测试,能够保证系统在各个开发阶段的质量,并针对高风险的系统需求进行测试,用最低的成本,找到最具影响的系统缺陷,降低了系统风险。

    The requirement testing and system testing aiming at the highest risk can guarantee the software quality .

  12. 超细旦化是涤纶长丝发展的一个趋势,目前国内使用普通纺丝方法,生产dpf值小于0.4dtex的超细旦长丝仍然处于开发阶段。

    Super microfilaments are a trend of polyester filament development .

  13. 您可以加入ProjectZero社区、参与项目工作或加入论坛,您可以在论坛中对项目的每个开发阶段进行评论。

    You can join the Project Zero community , contribute to the project , or join the discussion forum , where you can comment on the project through each stage of its development .

  14. IBM的Tivoli和Rational品牌提供了一整套工具和产品,它们在服务的设计和开发阶段帮助您进行治理。

    IBM 's Tivoli and Rational brands offer an entire catalog of tools and products that assist in the governance during the service design and development phases .

  15. Collection框架还处在开发阶段时,内部类就是可用的了,CollectionsAPI的创建可促进它们的使用,但是内部类的语法开销使得这一做法变得不太合意了。

    Inner classes were available at the time the Collections framework was developed , but the syntactic overhead of inner classes made creating Collections APIs that encouraged using them less desirable .

  16. 虽然在开发阶段为每个请求生成JavaScript代码并不会产生问题,但您不得不考虑在生产环境中的性能损失。

    Generating the JavaScript code for every request is not a problem during development , but you might be worried about the performance penalty in a production environment .

  17. 提示:禁用CAF的惟一原因是在初始测试/开发阶段提供有意义的错误消息。

    TIP : The only reason for disabling the CAF is to give sensible error messages during the initial testing / development phase .

  18. GQM能够帮助质量成为每一个开发阶段的部分,不仅仅是在开发的末期。

    GQM can help quality become part of each phase of development , not just at the end .

  19. 开发阶段的最终结果是:应用程序包含一个经过调优的Informix实例,这个实例已经针对嵌入式数据库服务器的需求配置好了。

    The end result of this development phase : an application with an optimally tuned Informix instance that is configured for its life as an embedded database server .

  20. FPGA在开发阶段具有安全、方便、可随时修改设计等不可替代的优点,在电子系统中采用FPGA可以极大的提升硬件系统设计的灵活性,可靠性,同时提高硬件开发的速度和降低系统的成本。

    FPGA has irreplaceable advantages including safe , convenient and improvable at any time in development stage . FPGA can greatly enhance the flexibility , reliability of hardware system , improve the speed and reduce the cost in electronic hardware system .

  21. 这项计划还处于开发阶段,但已经可以提供安装CD、LiveCD、QEMU和VMware镜像的下载。

    The project is currently in alpha stages of development , but there are install CDs , live CDs , QEMU and VMware virtual machine images available for download .

  22. 本文研讨了ATM虚通道自愈环的功能、结构、控制及故障自动恢复的原理和实现,综述了宽带自愈环的发展前景及开发阶段。

    This paper researches and discusses the function , architecture , control of ATM Virtual Path Self-Healing Ring , and principle and realization of its failure automatic recovery . It summarizes the developmental foreground and exploited phase of broadband self-healing ring .

  23. 尽管胡厚昆表示,华为在美国市场仍处于开发阶段,但他提到了去年赢得的一个合同,即向加拿大第二大移动运营商贝尔公司(Bell)供应3G基础设施,用于手机上网的交易。

    Although Mr Hu says the US market is still in the development phase , he points to a deal last year to supply Bell , Canada 's second-largest mobile operator , with 3G infrastructure that enables web surfing on handsets .

  24. 一种还处于开发阶段的有趣的备选文件系统是LogFS,它包含了一些非常新颖的想法。

    An interesting alternative still in development is LogFS , which includes some very novel ideas .

  25. 在SLDC中使用模拟的好处超越了开发阶段。

    The benefits of simulation in the SLDC extends beyond the development phase .

  26. 设计的A3水平井目前含水36%,日产油423m3,采油速率为3.5%,处于中含水低速开发阶段。

    At present , watercut of the devised horizontal well A3 is 36 % , its production rate is 423 m 3 , and the oil recovery rate is 3.5 % , so it is at the middle watercut development stage with low rate .

  27. 本文叙述了桑塔纳2000GP整车外部验证模型的设计和制造过程,对于汽车开发阶段的模型制造,特别是DKM技术在国内的应用具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The design and manufacture of exterior approval-model Santana 2000 GP is described . It is an important reference in the model making during the automobile development phase and in particular for the domestic application of DKM technology .

  28. 在大庆主力砂岩油藏岩心上,考察了膜驱剂MD1在不同开发阶段的驱油效果(45℃)。

    The oil displacing efficiency of molecular deposition filming / flooding ( MDFF ) agent MD 1 , a commercial organic diammonium salt in 25 % aqueous solution , is studied on the cores of Daqing main sandstone reservoirs at 45 ℃ .

  29. 这个功能非常适合开发阶段的调试之用。

    This behavior is suitable for debugging during the development phase .

  30. 微软强调,这样带来的好处是,可以在应用程序开发阶段尽早地进行性能测试

    Microsoft highlights the advantages of early performance testing in application development