
  • cushion;seating washer
座垫 [zuò diàn]
  • [squab;cushion] 椅子或沙发上用的可移动的垫子

  1. 完成了LPG摩托车燃料供给系的总体布置与整车改装,及其燃料供给系支架与座垫支承的结构分析和抗弯加固;

    Some research results are achieved as follows : ( 1 ) Layout of LPG supply system and modification of body construction are carried out , and structural analyses of fuel supply bracket are performed .

  2. 摩托车的座垫造型设计与人性化分析

    Styling Design of Seat Cushion for Motorcycle and the Hommization Analysis

  3. 气压式座垫助力调整机构,轻松灵活,调整方便;

    Gas spring type upholstery auxiliary adjustment structure – easy adjustment .

  4. 座垫及靠背均为绳网结构。

    Both the seat cushion and backrest are rope net structures .

  5. 你最快什么时候能搞到一个座垫?

    What 's the quickest you can get a new seat ?

  6. 摩托车座垫结构设计浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Seat Cushion Structure Design of Motorcycle

  7. 我们可以生产各种以玉米皮为原料的木框座垫。

    We can produce various wood-frame cushions with corn bracts as materials .

  8. 汽车座垫特性的试验研究

    The experiment and Study on the automobile seat pads characteristics

  9. 用手压住漏斗,拧紧座垫固定螺丝。

    While holding down on the cone , tighten the subbase screws .

  10. 可以吃在更舒适的设置一样,在沙发上与座垫的支持。

    It will also mean less hair on your cushions .

  11. 布袋弹簧广泛用于各种床垫、沙发座垫。

    Bag-contained springs are widely used in various sofa cushions and mattresses .

  12. 使用系带将电线固定在座垫托架四周。

    Secure the electrical lead around the cushion carrier using a tie-wrap .

  13. 无铬鞣汽车座垫革的研制

    Study on Chrome - - free Car Upholstery Leather

  14. 在座垫下面总能找到散钱。

    I always find spare change under the cushions .

  15. 安装在汽车座垫内,加装方便适用。

    Installs in the automobile seat cushion , installs the convenience tobe suitable .

  16. 安装座位衬垫外侧饰板盖。安装在弹性座垫上的发动机

    Install seat cushion outboard trim cover . flexible-mounted engine

  17. 沙发座垫物理特性对坐姿稳定感的影响

    Effect of the Physical Properties of Sofa Cushion on Sense of Sitting Stability

  18. 几乎要把座垫里的泡棉给吃了

    I was about to eat the foam out of those seat cushions .

  19. 用作汽车座垫的两种经编间隔织物性能比较

    Research on warp spacer fabrics for auto cushions

  20. 重型卡车座椅充气座垫舒适性模拟仿真研究

    An Analog Simulation Study on the Comfort of Air-inflated Seat Cushions of Heavy Trucks

  21. 经编间隔织物在汽车用座垫方面的应用

    Apply Warp Knitted Spacer Fabric on Auto Cushion

  22. 低雾化性是生产家具革,特别是汽车、飞机等座垫用革的特殊要求。

    In upholstery application especially in automobiles and aircraft , low fogging is required .

  23. 及沙发、汽车座垫与弹簧边框的扣接;

    And sofa , car mat and spring coil frame button up to connect ;

  24. 苯胺黄牛汽车座垫革的研制

    Study on aniline cattle car upholstery leather

  25. 谁不愿意在散发着香味的挂毯、铺有座垫的家具和身穿制服的仆人之间受苦呢?

    Who would not suffer amid perfumed tapestries , cushioned furniture , and liveried servants ?

  26. 弹射座椅座垫的人体工程学要求

    Human Engineering Requirements for Ejection Seat Cushions

  27. 汽车转向盘、座垫的生产技术

    Production of Steering-Wheel and Seat Cushion

  28. 过大或过小的座垫倾角会增加颈部损伤的风险。

    Either raising or lower of obliquity of cushion will increase the risk of neck injuries .

  29. 安装靠背的座垫托架。

    Install cushion carrier for backrest .

  30. 汽车座垫振动特性的研究

    Vibration Character of Auto Seats