
  • 网络seat design
  1. 旅游网站Kayak.com联合创始人兼首席技术长保罗・英格利希(PaulEnglish)戏称,要开发一种算法来捕捉决定工程师团队座位设计方案的所有因素。

    At travel website Kayak.com , co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Paul English has joked about developing an algorithm to capture all that goes into devising his seating plan for the engineering team .

  2. 旅游网站Kayak.com联合创始人兼首席技术长保罗&12539;英格利希(PaulEnglish)戏称,要开发一种算法来捕捉决定工程师团队座位设计方案的所有因素。

    At travel website Kayak . com , co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Paul English has joked about developing an algorithm to capture all that goes into devising his seating plan for the engineering team .

  3. 航空公司也有很多方面需要提高(除了把机舱座位设计得可以真正容纳购票者之外)。

    There 's plenty the airlines could be doing , too ( aside from configuring planes with seats that actually fit their ticket holders ) .

  4. 地下无轨采矿车辆司机座位的设计探讨

    Discussion on design of the driver 's seat for underground trackless mining vehicles

  5. 雅各布斯的店铺全由他自己一人打造,没有咨询任何专业设计师。他说:“茶楼里竹桌周围的座位故意设计得很紧凑,这种安排可以鼓励客人们相互混熟,并尝试着点邻桌餐盘里的食物。”

    Jacobs , who built his shops without consulting professional designers , says the setup encourages patrons to mingle and try menu items that beckon from neighbors ' plates .