- 名benthon

The Studies on the bioaccumulation of Cd , Cu , Zn in some macrobenthos
Benthons have not been polluted by heavy metals , but the concentration of Cu and Zn in crustacea and mollusc has potential serious accumulation problems .
Ecology of macrobenthos in subtidal zone ( 0 ~ - 5m ) of northern Zhejiang
74 % meiofauna distributed in 0 ~ 2cm layer of the sediment .
Composition and structure of polymetallic nodules from the CC zone , eastern Pacific and its implication on environment change the benthonic action on the fomation of polymetallic nodules in eastern Pacific
The macrobenthos community is correlative with the salinity of the bottom and the organics content in the sediment by using the multi-dimensional scaling ( MDS ) technique .
Pearson correlation analysis showed meiofauna abundance enjoyed an obvious lag effect on the O_2 concentration in the interstitial water . However , there were no significant correlations between meiofauna abundance and other environmental factors .
Distribution abundance of meiobenthos in the Taiwan Strait CALCULATION OF THE SIZE OF MOMENT FOR WISHART DISTRIBUTION
A total 52 species of macrobenthos have been identified . The biomass and density are 0 06g / m 2 and 4 28 ind / m 2 respectively . Seasonal variation is obvious .
Using Rose Bengal as protein dye , based on the fluorescent dye spectrum experiment and the modeling of system signals , A laser-induced fluorescence detecting system for marine meiobenthos in the sediments is set up .
The weak biodisruption in the thin bedded and laminate limestone indicates that the depressed marine ecosystem after the P-T Event set a limit to the drilling of benthos .
The first biological survey of subtidal zone waters in northern Zhejiang indicates that a total of 222 species of macrobenthos have been identified , they are subordinated to 103 families , 170 genera .
The method of epifluorescence microscopy with DAPI staining has been widely used in the quantitative research of planktonic bacteria and protists , but scarcely applied in benthic study .
Abundance was highest in autumn and summer , and lowest in winter . There was significant difference among seasons ( One-Way ANOVA , p0.01 ) . Seasonal variation of abundance of Turbellaria and Tardigrada was the same as total meiofauna abundance .
Establishment of a Benthic Chamber System for Production Measurement ( BCSPM ) in Situ and the Preliminary Results
Two biotic indices , Biotic Coefficient ( BC ) and Benthic Index of Biological Integrity ( B-IBI ), recently suggested by European and American scientists were applied and commented on this study .
The average biomass of the macrobenthos in the Changjiang estuary is 17.57g/m2 , and the average abundance is 150 ind .
In this paper , the authors studied the ecologic situation of a small flow water system which was influenced by the discharge of two-stage treated wastewater by analyzing components of biofilm , benthos , activity of bacteria on the stream bed and AGP testing .
It is indicated that there are many and complex species of phytoplankton , zooplankton and benthon in the culture water with 1 cm bottom soil from shrimp pond . The phytoplankton growth phase is properly regulated with photosynthetic bacteria and illumination .
Abundance and Biomass of the Benthic Meiofauna in the Bohai Sea
Abundance and biomass of benthos in Changjiang Estuary and adjacent sea
Preliminary Study on the Restoration of Benthos in the Changjiang Estuary
The ecology of macrobenthos community in Quanzhou Bay , Fujian Province
Progress in Researches on Benthic Indices of Assessing Marine Ecosystem Health
The Design of Automatic Separation Facility for Benthic Meiofauna Sample
Investigation and Evaluation of Periphyton and Benthic Invertebrate Communities in Suzhou Creek
Variation of Macrobenthos Community in the western waters , Xiamen
Study on ecological monitoring using meiobenthos in Southern Bight of North Sea
Distributional characteristics of benthic communities on the continental shelf of Donghai Sea
Characters of macrobenthic community in southeast sea of the Pearl River Estuary