
  • 网络Guangzhou Shenzhen Railway;guangshen railway;Shanghai
  1. Logit模型在广深铁路客流分担率估算中的应用

    Application of Logit Model in Estimating the Distribution Rate of Passenger Flows on Guangzhou & Shenzhen Railway

  2. 广深铁路200km·h~(-1)电气化新技术

    New Technologies for the 200 km · h ~ ( - 1 ) Guangzhou-Shenzhen Electrified Railway

  3. 广深铁路公司货运发展向现代物流拓展研究

    Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Company Freight Development to Expand the Study of Modern Logistics

  4. 广深铁路运营智能仿真系统

    Intelligent Simulation System for Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway Operation

  5. 通过对广深铁路运营这一复杂系统的分析,采用传统的状态转移与专家系统技术相结合的方法,建立了广深铁路运营仿真平台软件。

    By analysing the state transfer of Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway operation system and using expert system technology , a intelligent simulation model for this complicate hybrid system is presented .

  6. 毗邻广深高速铁路和莞深高速公路,交通便利。

    Traffic is convenient as it is next to the Guan-Sum Railway and Highway .

  7. 全国的高速铁路正在紧锣密鼓的建设中,广深高速铁路运行多年,网络环境具有一定的代表性,广深高速铁路网络优化的经验具有一定的推广意义。

    For the Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway has operated for many years , its network environment-has a certain degree of representativeness , so the experience of Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway network optimization has a certain significance to be promoted .

  8. 200km·h-1铁路电气化技术是我国铁路科技进步的关键技术之一,广深电气化铁路是我国第一条自行设计、自行施工后投入运营的线路。

    Electrification technology for high-speed railway is one of the key technologies for scientific and technological progress of Chinese railways . The 200 km · h - 1 Guangzhou-Shenzhen electrified railway is the first high-speed railway designed , built and operated by Chinese .

  9. 广深准高速铁路软土路基下沉对策

    The Countermeasure on Soft Soil Roadbed Subsiding in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Paramilitary High-speed Railway

  10. 广深准高速铁路轨道养护维修标准刍议

    A Proposal about the Track Maintenance of Guangzhou-shenzhen Quasi-High-Speed Railway

  11. 广深准高速铁路全长139km。

    The total length of Guangzhou-Shenzhen Quasi High-speed Railway is 139 km .

  12. 广深准高速铁路牵引动力的若干问题

    Tractive Force on Guang Shen Qulasi High Speed Line

  13. 广深准高速铁路轮轨动力分析及轨下垫板参数的研究

    Track Dynamic Analysis and Rail Pad Parameters for Guangzhou-Shenzhen Quasi High Speed Railway

  14. 广深准高速铁路钢轨波状磨耗特点和发展规律

    Characteristics of Rail Corrugation on Guang Shen Quasi high Speed Railway and the Pattern of Its Development

  15. 广深(九)铁路提速(200km/h)改造工程可行性研究

    Feasibility Studies on the Upgrading Project for Raising Train Speed ( 200 km / h ) on Guangzhou - Shenzhen ( Kowloon ) Railway

  16. 观察发现广深线准高速铁路上的钢轨斜裂纹沿钢轨作用边,呈45°角,其扩展可导致钢轨发生横向断裂。

    The rail oblique cracks in Guangzhou-Shenzhen Quasi High-speed Railway are distributing and expand along with rail side and the angle is about 45 ° along the moving direction .

  17. 广东深圳和广州是第一批试点城市,为了把广州和深圳的网络连为一体,中国移动在广深高速公路和广深高速铁路建设了高速TD专网。

    Shenzhen and Guangzhou are both in the first batch of pilot cities . In order to merge the network of Guangzhou and Shenzhen into a single entity , the China Mobile Communications Corporation has built TD high-speed private network around the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Highway and Guangzhou-Shenzhen railway .