
ɡuǎnɡ dōnɡ yīn yuè
  • Guangdong folk music
  1. 本章从他对广东音乐的二度创作和对不良网络歌曲的抵制两方面说明徐沛东对中国音乐事业做出的特殊贡献。

    This chapter , from the perspective of Guangdong folk music dual creation and his resistance to bad network songs , discussed his special contribution to Chinese music career .

  2. 谈广东音乐的生命力·张力·辐射力·文化场

    Life-force , Tension , Diffusion and Cultural - field of Guangdong Music

  3. 第三节陈培勋广东音乐主题钢琴曲的演奏分析。

    The third section is the five piano compositions of performance 's analysis .

  4. 广东音乐通常用民族乐器演奏。

    Cantonese music is usually performed with folk instruments .

  5. 它的发展与广东音乐紧密联系在一起。

    Its development is closely linked to Cantonese music .

  6. 试论方言声韵调因素对广东音乐曲调风格的影响&纪念粤乐大师吕文成先生诞辰105周年

    Influence of Dialect 's Tone , Rhythm , and Accent on the Tune Style of Cantonese Music

  7. 广东音乐之称谓

    The appellation of Cantonese music

  8. (二)1995年6月30日首届广东音乐创作大赛颁奖晚会在友谊剧院举办。

    The first Canton Music Creation Competition award was hold on 30th June 1995 at Friendship Theatre .

  9. 广东音乐擅长于生活环境的描摹,对传统的生活情趣无不流露着关注。

    Guangdong music is good at depicting the minor facets of life , as well as being closely connected with revealing traditional emotions .

  10. 阐明了其生命力、张力与辐射力的关系。论文还谈及文化场在广东音乐发展中的作用。

    It illuminates the relation among life-force , tension , diffusion and cultural-field , also talking the function of cultural-field in Guangdong music .

  11. 广州市为期一个月的文艺精品展演剧目涵盖歌舞、粤剧、话剧、杂技、木偶、广东音乐等艺术门类。

    In Guangzhou , the literary works exhibition lasting one month covers the traditional Cantonese Operas , dramas , acrobatics , puppets , and Cantonese music .

  12. 扬琴传统乐曲分为广东音乐、江南丝竹、四川扬琴、东北扬琴四大流派。四大流派均具有独特的演奏风格。

    The traditional music performed on dulcimer can be divided into the following four schools : Guangdong Music , Jiangnan Sizhu , Sichuan Dulcimer and Dongbei Dulcimer .

  13. 广东星海音乐厅的声学设计

    The Acoustic Design of Guangdong Xinghai Concert Hall

  14. 广东星海音乐厅室内乐厅的声学设计

    Acoustic design of the chamber music hall of Xing Hai Concert Hall of Guangdong province

  15. 改革开放30年广东高校的公共音乐教育

    On Public Music Education Development of Guangdong University and College since Reform and Opening

  16. 广东省中小学音乐教师继续教育需求的调查报告

    Survey on the Demands of Further Education of Music Teachers in Primary and Middle Schools of Guangdong