
  1. 广义教育性是这一命题成立的充分必要条件;

    Generalized significance of education is the sufficient prerequisite of the proposition and the inevitability of teaching .

  2. 就广义教育而言,传承离不开教育,教育本身就蕴含着传承,传承的过程即教育的过程。

    For a broad education , succession can not leave from education ; education itself includes succession , and the process of succession is the process of education .

  3. 因此,我们要在一直考虑的广义教育过程中,辨认出一种比较正规的教育&直接指导或学校教育。

    We are thus led to distinguish , within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering , a more formal kind of education & that of direct tuition or schooling .

  4. 由家庭、学校和大众传媒等构成的广义教育机制对性别文化型塑的重要性在于,它对观念层面性别文化的建构、传播、传递、渗透和认同有着至关重要的影响。

    The constructing significance of the generalized education mechanism to gender culture including the family , the school and the media lies in that it has significant influence on the construction , the dissemination , the transmission , the infiltration and the approval to gender culture in the idea stratification .

  5. 我们在讨论最广义的教育。

    We are talking about education in its widest sense .

  6. 我们在讨论最广义的教育。

    We are talking about education in its st sense .

  7. 但是最广义的教育界定具有很强的实践意义。

    But the definition of education in the most broadest sense is important for educational practice .

  8. 在目标定位、模式选择、策略运用等方面,不同的非广义品格教育论者的主张不同。

    Different perspectives of the non-expansive character education are different in localization of tar-gets , selection of modes and operational strategies .

  9. 以教育意识为核心,最广义的教育过程有四种模式,特点分明。

    The education course in the most broadest sense is divided into four patterns which features is different by education consciousness .

  10. 那么,发达的日本新闻事业的运转是靠什么来支撑的呢?如果从广义新闻教育的概念上理解,企业内部培训与高等新闻教育二元并行,共同构成了日本成熟的新闻教育制度形式。

    In that case what is supporting the journalism industry in Japan ? It can broadly understood that the training in industries and the higher journalism education dually co-exist , which consists of the mature journalism system .

  11. 广义的双语教育是指学校中使用两种语言的教育。

    Generally speaking , bilingual education means education which using two languages at school .

  12. 学校体育课程的性质应该是广义的文化教育课。

    The nature of PE in schools belongs to cultural education in a broad sense .

  13. 首先是社会教育,这是一种广义上的教育,主要通过各种环境对个体产生潜移默化的作用。

    The first is the social education .

  14. 优化集成,努力建立高效集约的广义工程技术教育体制与模式。

    An efficient and qualified technology education system and model should be built by means of optimization and integration .

  15. 广义的公共教育涉及面太宽泛,本文主要从政府角色与功能转换的角度,探讨了狭义领域中的公共教育均等化的问题。

    Broad public education involves too broad , the paper mainly discusses the problem of the narrow field of public education equalization .

  16. 就广义的女性教育而言,新中国成立以来,女性作为受教育者所享有的权利状况已得到极大的改善。

    From its wide sphere , since the foundation of new China , the female 's enjoying power status as the educatee has been greatly improved .

  17. 文章第一部分从概念层面入手,分析了文章研究对象是广义的创业教育&一种培养具有开创型个性的素质教育,并对创业教育与就业教育、创新教育进行了对比。

    In the first section , from the begin of concepts , object of study of the article is generalized enterprise education which belongs to quality education cultivating creative individuality .

  18. 狭义基础教育概念指的是我国现行的教育制度九年义务制教育,而广义的基础教育则还应该包括家庭教育和必要的社会生活知识教育等。

    In narrow sense FE refers to the9years ' compulsory education , while in broad sense it includes family education ( simplified as tutor ) and necessary education for social and life knowledge .

  19. 本周奥斯本为新的技校提供了部分资金,希望有一天职业教育会赶超德国,实现政府广义上的教育改革。

    This week Mr Osborne found some money for new technical colleges - the hope being that vocational education will one day rival Germany 's , complementing the government 's broader school reforms .

  20. 笔者认为,广义的思想教育不仅包括为了解决罪犯思想问题所进行的教育活动,还包括罪犯心理健康教育、罪犯文化教育等方面的内容。

    The author believes that broader ideological education includes not only to solve ideological problems of offenders education activities carried out by , also included criminals , criminal areas such as culture and education of psychological health education content .

  21. 广义的职业教育与人类的生产生活密切相关,狭义的职业教育在古代社会被排斥出正规教育系统,一个最明显的特征就是教育与生产活动相分离。

    The vocational education in broad sense has close relationship with human production and life , and vocational education in narrow sense is excluded from " formal " educational system in ancient society , and its obvious characteristics is that education is separated from production activity .

  22. 广义的职业技术教育具有多方面功能,职业院校和教师肩负着实现这些功能的光荣职责和神圣使命。

    The general education of vocational technology has various function , the vocational college and teachers undertake glorious responsibility to accomplish these function .

  23. 体育游戏课程应跨出体育课游戏的局限,将其置身于体育类游戏这一广义概念范围进行教育,并在此基础上建立起新的教学目标任务,教学内容体系和教学模式。

    Game and place in the wider concept & sports game . And establish new teaching objective , teaching content system and teaching model .

  24. 所谓教育威信,广义而言,指教育行业特别是整体的学校教育在社会生活中的道德信誉。

    The so-called Educational Authority , generally speaking , refers to the moral credit existing in the social life of educational industry , especially the whole school education .

  25. 从广义上看,教育投入不仅包括物质性投入,还包括诸如政策、认知、精神和行为等投入,是一项融物质和精神于一体的综合性投入。

    From a broad perspective , educational input not only includes material input , but also contains other inputs such as policies , cognition , spirit , behavior and so on .

  26. 广义的思想政治教育是包含了思想教育、政治教育、道德教育、心理健康教育等在内的社会实践活动,具有意识形态性功能和非意识形态性功能。

    A broad ideological and political education includes some social practice activities , such as ideological education , political education , moral education , mental health education and so on . It has the ideological and non-ideological functions .

  27. 课题所涉及的小学语文教师教学评价是课程评价(广义课程评价即教育评价)中的一个子部分,它从某种意义上从属于教学评价和教师评价,但它又有自己的侧重点和特殊性。

    The research into teaching evaluation of Chinese teachers of primary schools is a part of curriculum evaluation ( that is the education evaluation ), which is attached to the teaching evaluation and teacher evaluation in a sense , but it has its own focus and specificity .

  28. 基于中等教育有广义、狭义之分,本文首先说明了本课题的研究范围,即包括普通中学教育、师范教育、职业教育与教会教育在内的广义的中等教育。

    As the secondary education has broad sense and narrow sense , my thesis explained the scope of my discussed question , So in my thesis the secondary education includes general high school education , normal school education , vocational education and ecclesiastic education .