
  • 网络communicative tool;means of communication
  1. 英语口语作为国际交际工具,其作用和重要日益明显。然而,中国大学生的英语口语交际水平不容乐观。

    English which serves as a world-wide communicative tool is playing a more and more important role .

  2. 第二语言教学的目的主要是培养学生把语言作为交际工具来掌握。

    The goal of second language teaching is to train students ' ability to master English as a communicative tool .

  3. 语言是人类最重要的交际工具。

    Language is the most important communicative means of human beings .

  4. 语言作为交际工具,其中一个主要功能就是传递信息。

    The major function of a language is to transmit information .

  5. 语言是重要的交际工具和文化载体。

    Language is a vital communication tool and culture carrier .

  6. 本文从社会无穷变化的立场出发,描述了随之变化的社会交际工具语言中的语音变异及其语用意义。

    This thesis is concerned with sound variation and its pragmatic implication .

  7. 发挥英语作为交际工具的能力。

    Develop English as the ability of social tool .

  8. 从性质角度讲,两者都是交际工具,但静态成分是相对静止的存在,它的交际作用是潜在的;

    They are the same in the sense that both are communication tools .

  9. 同时,英语写作又是不可或缺的交际工具和手段。

    Meanwhile , English writing is an essential tool and means of communication .

  10. 语言是一种人类特有的籍以参与社会生活的交际工具。

    Language is a human-specific means whereby human beings conduct their social lives .

  11. 语言是交际工具,而交际活动的前提是要听懂对方的语言。

    The prerequisite of communicative activities is to understand the speaker 's language .

  12. 语言是一种交际工具。

    Language is a tool for human communication .

  13. 公示语不仅是特殊的交际工具,也是特有的文化现象。

    Signs are not only special tools for communication , but also unique cultural phenomenon .

  14. 语言是重要的交际工具,而词语是组成话语的单位。

    Language is an important communication tool , and sentence is made up by words .

  15. 语言文字作为主要的交际工具在经济社会中发挥着重要作用。

    As the major communication vehicle , language is playing an important role in economy .

  16. 英语是一种交际工具,英语教学的目的是培养学生使用这种交际工具的能力。

    English is a tool of communication .

  17. “语文是最重要的交际工具,也是最重要的文化载体”。

    Chinese is the most important tool for communication and the most prominent carrier of culture .

  18. 作为交际工具的语言,它既反映着语言信息,也传播着文化气息。

    Language is not only a tool of communication , but also a mirror of cultural reflection .

  19. 外语作为交际工具,在现代社会生活中发挥着重要作用。

    English , as a global language , is playing an indispensable role in the modern society .

  20. 语文是最重要的交际工具之一,是人类文化的重要组成部分。

    The language is one of most important human relations tools , is the human culture important component .

  21. 语言在人类社会中扮演着重要的角色,它是人类的交际工具和思维工具。

    Language plays an important role in human society it is the tool of human communication and thought .

  22. 语言是人类所独有的交际工具,对语言的认知研究已经成为生物语言学、认知语言学和神经语言学的重要课题。

    The cognitive research for language has become an important issue in biolinguistics , cognitive linguistics , and neurolinguistics .

  23. 语言文字是重要的交际工具,高校学报尤其应该带头正确使用规范的语言文字。

    Academic publications of colleges and universities should especially take the lead in correctly using standard language and characters .

  24. 语文作为最重要的交际工具,应当是人文性与工具性统一。

    As the most important means of human communication , the Chinese language should be both human and utilizable .

  25. 如何在英语教学中开展创新教育,培养学生的创造性思维能力是英语教学的重大课题。学习英语的表层价值是掌握新的交际工具,其深层价值则是完善思维和发展能力。

    How to develop the students ' creative thinking ability is the important task of English teaching and learning .

  26. 而作为是一种交际工具,写作是一个非常重要的交际手段。

    And among these four , as a tool of communication , writing is a very important communicative method .

  27. 作为人类最重要的交际工具和民族最主要的特征之一语言成为人们关注的热点。

    Language , as one of the most important communication tools and national characteristics , became a focus issue .

  28. 对于有声的哈萨克语来说,它是一种补充,是一种辅助性的交际工具。

    To sound language of Kazak , it is a communicational tool with a kind of complement and supplementary .

  29. 语文的本质属性是最重要的交际工具,从属属性是人文性。

    The essential character of Chinese language is the most important tool of social intercourse and belong to humanity .

  30. 随着经济的发展,作为交际工具的英语,作为中学生三大基础课程的英语,其教学质量的好坏直接影响到学生的整体成绩。

    With the development of economic globalization , English has become one of the three main courses in middle schools .