
  • 网络quadratic residue
  1. 它们的差是17的平方剩余。

    Their difference is a quadratic residue of 17 .

  2. 平方剩余函数及其图案美

    Quadratic Residue Function and Its Pattern Beauty

  3. 由平方剩余差集与差集偶构造二元ZCZ序列偶集余差可以与辐射输入数相关。

    Binary Sequence Pair Sets with Zero Correlation Zone from Quadratic Difference Set and Difference Set Pair The residues may be correlated with the radiational input .

  4. 新算法作为一种完全译码算法,不仅适用于Golay码,而且适用于任何循环码,特别是平方剩余码的译码。

    The new algorithm , as a complete decoding algorithm , is suitable to decoding not only the Golay code , but also all the cyclic codes , especially , the quadratic residual codes .

  5. 一种基于平方剩余的动态口令算法

    An algorithm of dynamic password system based on square modulo

  6. 它的原理是基于乘同佘和平方剩余的对称性。

    Its principle based on the symmetry of the square surplus and the arithmetical compliment of the multiply .

  7. 提出了一种基于平方剩余定理的会议密钥分配方案。

    A conference key distribution scheme based on the theory of Quadratic Residues is proposed in this paper .

  8. 研究了平方剩余数的性质,给出了平方剩余数对于除数函数的均值公式。

    Studying the properties of square residues , and giving a mean value formula of the divisor function for square residue sequences .

  9. 利用解析方法研究了平方剩余数的若干性质,并给出了平方剩余数对于两个常用数论函数的几个均值公式。

    By using the analytic method some properties of the square residues are studied , and several ( interesting ) mean value formulas are given .

  10. 结合完全平方剩余的特点,提出了三种简便、快速的候选基算法,并对它们进行了详细的分析、比较,指出如何利用这三种算法进行候选基计算。

    It brought forward three kind of brief and fast the candidate base algorithms combining the character of the entirely square remain , particularly analyzed and compared with these algorithms , pointed out how to make use of this three kinds of algorithm calculated the candidate base .

  11. 自然数的平方模R剩余序列的研究

    A study for a residual squard natural number sequence with modelo R

  12. 关于平方及立方剩余数的均值

    The Mean Value of Square and Cubical Residues