
  • 网络Civilian;civilianization;democratization;pain folk
  1. 论电视新闻报道中的平民化视角

    On the Civilian Perspective in TV News Report

  2. 在宋朝社会,伴随着政治经济的发展,科举制出现了平民化的倾向。

    In the Song Dynasty , the imperial examination system tends to civilian along with the development of the politics and economy .

  3. 空间信息移动用户服务系统是空间信息平民化服务的技术基础,是GIS产业商业运行的平台。

    Geo-information mobile users service system is the technique base of Geo-information popularizing service and the platform of the commercial function of GIS industry .

  4. WWW(WORLDWIDEWEB)的出现拓展了Internet的应用范围,让数以百万计的非学术界新用户登上了Internet,使Internet逐渐平民化。

    The appearance of WWW ( World Wide Web ) widens the scope of Internet and makes millions of new users beyond of science land in Internet , also makes Internet more popular in public .

  5. 网上拍卖是传统拍卖模式和电脑信息科技结合的新型态电子商务,它通过Internet将过去只有少数人才能参与的贵族式的商品交换形式,变成每一位网民都可以加入其中的平民化交易方式。

    Online auction is a new Electronic Business integrated with traditional auction and computer information technology . Everyone can join in online auction through Internet which changed the noble commodity trade mode only few people can take part in .

  6. 新剧集又是否值得观众们重新关注?同时,HBO电视网出品的《新闻编辑室》在第一季时,长时间遭遇剧评人的口诛笔伐,但仍不乏一些极具魅力且更加平民化的佳作。

    Meanwhile , HBO 's The Newsroom , long into its first season which critics hated so much , continues to make episodes far more captivating and less patronizing ;

  7. 由于Iphone智能手机和Android智能系统的出现,使得智能终端迅速发展,价格也趋于平民化。

    With the emergence of Iphone ( intelligent mobile phone ) and Android ( intelligent phone systems ), intelligent terminals are developing rapidly while their price are getting so low that most people can afford it .

  8. 比较平民化的有优衣库卖得很好的Heattech和Airism系列内衣,以及多个品牌提供的舒适排汗运动装。

    More commonplace examples include Uniqlo , which has been successful with its Heattech and Airism underlayers , and a number of brands making shirts meant to offer the comfort and sweat-wicking properties of athletic wear .

  9. 世纪之交平民化文学创作的特质

    Plebification Tendency in Literary Creation at the Turn of the Century

  10. 多元发展:1.现实主义的美学追求,平民化立场、民间化倾向;

    Realistic aesthetic pus suit , populace stand and folk tendency .

  11. 论平民化的自由人格的当代教育价值

    On the Contemporary Educational Value of Free Personality for the Common People

  12. 平民化的自由人格呈现五个方面的特征;培养平化民化的自由人格有三条基本途径;

    It has five characteristics and three basic cultivating ways .

  13. 论互联网时代的平民化心理现象

    A Study on the Popular Psychological Phenomena of Internet Times

  14. 中国电视新闻平民化刍议

    A Qeneral Preview of the Popularization of China TV News

  15. 技术支持越来越平民化的同时也存在着实际操作的精英化倾向;

    The populace of technique support produces elitism in the practical operation ;

  16. 以日常生活批判培育平民化现代人格

    To Foster Modern Personality of Civilianization with the Criticism of Daily Life

  17. 第一,必须使我们的精英文化的平民化。

    Firstly , we must make our culture of civil rights popularity .

  18. 社会化、平民化的办学方针;

    Running school policy of socialization and the policy for the poor ;

  19. 论网络文学的平民化叙事

    The discussion of common people narration in the network literature

  20. 解读电视节目的平民化趋势

    An Analysis of the Tendency Towards Civilianization of TV Programs

  21. 冯契与他的平民化的自由人格观

    Feng Qi and His Viewpoint of " Civilian-Style Freedom "

  22. 我听说他们近来也渐渐流于平民化了。

    I 've heard they 're getting more democratic lately .

  23. 世纪之交,文学的平民化越来越受到关注。

    The civilization of literature shares more and more concern .

  24. 论张新泉诗歌写作的平民化姿态

    On Zhang Xin-quan 's Populace Attitude of Poem Writing

  25. 平民化:新世纪散文的趋向

    For the Common People : the Inclination of Prose in the New Century

  26. 我们必须警惕在平民化名义下的媚俗化趋势。

    We should be on guard against obsequiousness under the name of popularization .

  27. 平民化&广播新闻改革的新亮点

    Nearer to the Common People & New Shining Point of Broadcasting News Reform

  28. 自我接受评价是平民化自由人格的生成保障,它体现了质性课程评价的发展趋势。

    It embodies the developmental tendency of qualitative evaluation .

  29. 美国新闻报道的平民化趋势&对亲近性新闻的解读

    The Developing Trend of American News Reporting : A Study on Intimate Journalism

  30. 世纪末中国文学创作的平民化倾向

    The Tendency of Chinese Literature Popularized Creation at the End of This Century