- level tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese, which has evolved into the high and level tone and the rising tone in modern standard pronunciation;level tone,one of the four tones in classical Chinese

[level tone,one of the four tones in classical Chinese] 古汉语四声之一。古汉语的平声字在普通话里分成阴平和阳平两类。参看四声
The Forty Initial Consonants of Putao Dialect and Mid - Ancient Forty Sound Categories
On the Features of the Level-tone Words and Its Melodies in Chinese Kunqu Opera
There are differences between Mo Ben and Di Ben in the classification and handling of the level tone .
However , the paper will discuss the two points , that is , there is a difference in the length of tone between level tone and rising tone and the entering tone can be classified into entering tone and short entering tone .
In the phonetic and phonological aspect , the Chinese shop names use the combination of level tones and oblique tones to achieve their rhythmical effects , while the phonological characteristics of the German shop names lie in the combination of different vowel types .
The diminutives sandhi lies in the last word , leval tone changes into high-rising tone 35 , and oblique tones change into high-falling tone 51 , in case of checked tone , it will change into lax tone , and there are 6 categories altogether .