
pínɡ jūn xún dào shí jiān
  • average seek time
  1. 针对如何提高磁盘调度效率的问题,提出了一种基于平均寻道时间(AST)的磁盘调度优化算法。

    To improve the efficiency of disk scheduling , this paper proposed an optimization algorithm of disk scheduling based on the Average Seek Time ( AST ) .

  2. 一种基于平均寻道时间的磁盘调度优化算法

    Optimization algorithm of disk scheduling based on average seek time

  3. 其读写系统使用了飞行式光纤光学头,极大程度地降低了平均寻道时间。

    By the use of the fiber optical head , the average access time of the storage system is decreased effectively .

  4. 本文还讨论了在该调度算法下,系统的平均寻道时间与I/O请求到达率之间的关系。

    This paper also discusses the relationship between the seek time and the I / O ar - rival frequency () .