
ɡān rǎo yì zhì
  • interference suppression
  1. 提出了一种基于认知无线电的自适应超宽带(UWB)窄带干扰抑制方法。

    A novel adaptive ultrawideband ( UWB ) narrowband interference suppression method is presented based on cognitive radio ( CR ) theory .

  2. 直扩系统迫零码辅助窄带干扰抑制技术研究

    Zero-forcing code-aided narrow-band interference suppression for direct sequence spread spectrum systems

  3. 具有H∞干扰抑制的中立型系统保成本控制

    Guaranteed Cost Control with H ∞ Disturbance Attenuation for Neutral Systems

  4. 基于线性参数变化增益调度H∞控制的谐波干扰抑制

    Linear Parameter-Varying Based Gain-Scheduled H_ ∞ Control for Harmonic Disturbance Rejection

  5. 满足二次稳定及干扰抑制性能指标的航空发动机H∞控制器设计

    Design of aero-engine controller with quadratic stability and disturbance-restraining performance

  6. 基于非线性滤波器的GPS接收机窄带干扰抑制技术研究

    Research on Narrowband Interference Suppression Based on Volterra Filters in GPS Receiver

  7. 不确定离散时滞系统具有H∞干扰抑制的保成本控制

    Guaranteed cost control with H_ ∞ disturbance attenuation for polytopic uncertain discrete-time systems with delay

  8. 基于特征子空间滤波的SAR窄带干扰抑制方法

    Narrow Band Interference Suppression for SAR Using Eigen-Subspace Based Filtering

  9. RNA干扰抑制猪瘟病毒增殖的研究进展

    Research Progress on Classical Swine Fever Virus Proliferation Inhibited by RNA Interference

  10. OFDM系统中载波间干扰抑制算法和自适应算法的研究

    Research on ICI Self-cancellation Algorithm and Dynamic Allocation for OFDM Systems

  11. 基于符号调整的OFDM系统载波间干扰抑制方法

    Inter-carrier interference reduction based on sign adjustment in OFDM systems

  12. 干扰抑制是超宽带合成孔径雷达(UWBSAR)的关键技术之一。

    Jamming suppression is one of the key techniques of UWB SAR .

  13. 3G系统向信道干扰抑制技术研究

    Investigation on Interference Cancellation in Forward Access Channel for 3G Communication System

  14. 多小区MIMO系统中的一种有限反馈预编码干扰抑制技术

    Limited feedback precoding interference suppression scheme in multi-cell MIMO systems

  15. 基于重叠变换的CDMAOverlay系统窄带干扰抑制

    Narrowband Interference Rejection in CDMA Overlay Systems Using Lapped Transform

  16. 本文提出了一种基于微分几何反馈线性化理论的非线性H∞控制设计方法,并对这种方法的干扰抑制性能给予了讨论。

    This work introduces a kind of design method of nonlinear H ∞ control and discusses its performance of disturbance attenuation .

  17. 基于ML准则的DS-CDMA系统盲干扰抑制方案

    Blind interference cancellation approach based on ML criterion in DS-CDMA system

  18. 由于大多数数字通信信号都具有周期平稳特性,FRESH滤波器能够在通信接收机中提供良好的干扰抑制性能。

    As most digital communication signals are cyclostationary , FRESH filter can perform excellent of suppression interference in a communication receiver .

  19. 判决反馈自适应滤波应用于CDMA系统中的单频干扰抑制

    Adaptive Filter Using Decision - Feedback Applied to Single Frequency Interference Suppression in CDMA Systems

  20. WCDMA系统上行链路空时干扰抑制技术

    The space-temporal interference cancellation technology for the uplink of WCDMA system

  21. 用CPLD实现的高精度脉冲干扰抑制电路

    Design of pulse disturbance restriction circuit with CPLD

  22. CDMA系统中时空综合干扰抑制的约束优化模型及其神经网络实现

    Constrained Optimization Models for Integrated Space-Time Interference Suppression in CDMA Systems and Their Neural Network Implementation

  23. DNA载体介导RNA干扰抑制LMP-1基因对鼻咽癌细胞转移能力的影响

    Inhibition of EBV-encoded LMP-1 by DNA-based UNA interference affects metastatic ability of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells

  24. 时分导频位CDMA系统上行链路阵列接收及部分多址干扰抑制技术

    Adaptive array processing and partial MAI cancellation technique for the uplink of time-multiplexed pilot bits CDMA system

  25. 基于加窗DFT的DSSS系统变换域窄带干扰抑制技术

    Windowed DFT-based Narrow-band Interference Suppression for DSSS Communication System

  26. DSSS系统中应用HMM的窄带干扰抑制技术

    Narrow Interference Rejection by HMM with DSSS System

  27. 空时分组码MC-CDMA系统盲干扰抑制

    Blind Interference Suppression for a Space-Time Block Coded MC-CDMA System

  28. HFC上行通道的QPSK信号窄带干扰抑制

    Suppression of narrow band interference of QPSK signals to upstream channel in HFC network

  29. 在PWMDC/DC变换器中,为了提高系统的目标值跟踪特性和干扰抑制特性,通常采用PID调节器。

    To improve the system 's command tracking and disturbance rejection of the PWM DC / DC converter , the PID regulator is usually used .

  30. DS-CDMA系统利用空时分组码的干扰抑制方法

    Space-Time Block Codes for Interference Cancellation in DS-CDMA Systems