- 名shogun

The true power was held by the shogun because he had command over the military .
In fact , the shogun actually ruled Japan , although he was supposedly acting for the emperor .
The reason is that TEPCO , based in Tokyo and controlling the largest energy market , acts much as a shogun over the nine regional power companies and the national grid .
Although he deserved it , Kira was still a powerful official of the shogun , not to mention that any kind of violence was forbidden at Edo Castle .
Although Higashiyama was the Emperor of Japan back then , the man actually in charge was Tokugawa Tsunayoshi , the fifth shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty .
In order for him and Kamei to organize a proper reception for the imperial ambassadors , they needed lessons in court etiquette and protocol from one of the shogun 's high officials - a man named Kira Yoshinaka who was a k ō ke , meaning a master of ceremonies .
He makes himself Shogun , or " commander-in-chief for suppressing barbarians " .
And the shogun exerted his power throughout the land with the help of 300 feudal lords called daimyo .
This legendary samurai epic stars Sonny Chiba as one of the two sons of the recently deceased instructor of the Shogun .
The clan was founded by Isa Tomomune when he was given control of the Date district by the shogun Minamoto Yoritomo at the end of the12th Century .
For several months at a time , every feudal lord took his family and his retainers and went to live in Edo where he served the shogun directly .
It was established in 1339 by Shogun Ashikaga Takauji on the site of the Kameyama Detached Palace , for the purpose of consoling the spirit of Emperor Go-Daigo .
During the feudal period ( 12th-19th century ) real power was held by the shoguns , local warriors whose dominance was finally ended by the restoration of the emperor Mutsuhito in1868 .
FAT , raccoon-faced , and with the severed head of one of his enemies at his feet , Ieyasu Tokugawa , Japan 's mightiest shogun , hardly looks like a heartthrob .
He traveled abroad and attempted to give up his U.S. citizenship , and at various times considered himself a Japanese shogun , the biblical figure Job and a Palestinian refugee , among other identities .
His family ( and , most importantly , his heir ) stayed in Edo whenever the daimyo left to look after his fiefdom and they were basically hostages of the shogun to ensure that the lord behaved himself .
Moreover , the Edo residence of the lord plus all the tasks he had to perform for the shogun while he was there were all paid out of his pocket which meant less money to raise an army that could be used against the shogun .
But Kanmangafuchi , a secondary attraction that doesn 't make it onto most day trippers ' agendas , is hidden and magical , a key to understanding why the shoguns built their monuments in this place and why Buddhist monks had put down roots hundreds of years earlier .
Although the Tokugawa are an ancient family , claiming descent from Minamoto no Yoritomo , the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate , they have known hard times since those glorious days .