
mù fǔ
  • shogunate;office of the commanding officer
幕府 [mù fǔ]
  • (1) [office of the commanding officer]∶旧时将帅办公的地方,后也泛指衙署

  • (2) [shogunate]∶日本明治以前执掌全国政权的军阀

幕府[mù fǔ]
  1. 原因正是基地处在东京的TEPCO,它控制着最大的能源市场,像壹个幕府将军那样统治着九个区域电力公司和国家输电网络。

    The reason is that TEPCO , based in Tokyo and controlling the largest energy market , acts much as a shogun over the nine regional power companies and the national grid .

  2. 虽然Kira罪有应得,但他仍是幕府将军的一个有权有势的官员,更不用说江户城禁止任何形式的暴力。

    Although he deserved it , Kira was still a powerful official of the shogun , not to mention that any kind of violence was forbidden at Edo Castle .

  3. 虽然当时的天皇是Higashiyama,但实际掌权的是德川第五代幕府将军“德川纲吉”。

    Although Higashiyama was the Emperor of Japan back then , the man actually in charge was Tokugawa Tsunayoshi , the fifth shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty .

  4. 为了让他和KameiKorechika能够为天皇使节组织一场巴适的招待会,他们需要从幕府将军的一位高级官员那里学习宫廷礼仪礼节,那位官员名叫“KiraYoshinaka”,他是一名kōke,就是“礼仪大师”的意思。

    In order for him and Kamei to organize a proper reception for the imperial ambassadors , they needed lessons in court etiquette and protocol from one of the shogun 's high officials - a man named Kira Yoshinaka who was a k ō ke , meaning a master of ceremonies .

  5. 1854年幕府与佩里谈判时他是翻译之一。

    During negotiations in1854 with Perry , Manjiro acted as aninterpreter .

  6. 幕僚是宋代幕府中乃至宋代社会的一个特殊群体。

    The aides and staff in Song dynasty are special group .

  7. 南京幕府山构树种群的空间分布格局

    Spatial Distribution Patterns of Broussonetia papyrifera Population in Nanjing Mufu Mountain

  8. 花开异域&浅论日本幕府末期咏物词

    On the Ci Praising Natural Objects of Japan during the Late Shogunate

  9. 此时却联合起来摆脱幕府的统治。

    No joined forces to get rid of the Bakufu .

  10. 他自封幕府将军“征夷大将军”。

    He makes himself Shogun , or " commander-in-chief for suppressing barbarians " .

  11. 后唐幕府的发展离不开众多幕僚的作用。

    The Later Tang Dynasty Mu-Fu development cannot leave the numerous staffs functions .

  12. 1477年的应仁之乱撼动了古老的幕府统治。

    In1477 , the Onin War let the fall of the old shogun .

  13. 还等什么,现在是你一统天下,重建幕府的时候了。

    Now it is your time to overcome all the positions to become shogun .

  14. 20年后,江户幕府暴虐的封建专制面临着愈来愈大的压力。

    Two decades later the despoticfeudalism of the Tokugawa shogunate was under greater strain .

  15. 闪烁其辞,幕府就能做到这一点。

    Twist and turn , the Bakufu might .

  16. 晚清幕府与近代社会

    Late Qing Mu Fu and Modern Society

  17. 同治末期的《申报》经营晚清幕府制度浅析

    On Shogunate System In Late Qing Dynasty

  18. 南京幕府山矿区废弃地植被恢复对土壤侵蚀与肥力的影响研究

    Research on Influence of Revegetation on Soil in Mine Spoils of Mufu Mountain in Nanjing

  19. 奉了幕府之命要解决你。

    I wiII see you dead .

  20. 朱印船贸易的终结,是幕府采取禁教和锁国政策的必然结果。

    The end of Shuinsen Trading is the aftermath of banning Catholic spread and locking-up policies .

  21. 第二部分则对袁世凯幕府成员进行了分析归类。

    The second part is an analysis of the members of the council of Yuan Shikai .

  22. 真正的权力掌握在幕府将军手中,因为他手握兵权。

    The true power was held by the shogun because he had command over the military .

  23. 河东幕府正是在复杂的历史条件下不断的变化和发展。

    The He-Dong Mu-Fu is precisely under the complex historic condition the unceasing change and the development .

  24. 第二部分别具体说明清朝和日本幕府搜集西方情报活动的情况。

    The second of the qing dynasty and Japan respectively specify the aides gather western intelligence activities .

  25. 实际上,是幕府将军统治着日本,尽管他被认为是为天皇办事。

    In fact , the shogun actually ruled Japan , although he was supposedly acting for the emperor .

  26. 如何来认识后唐幕府的历史作用是值得研究的课题。

    How to know that the Later Tang Dynasty Mu-Fu historical function is the topic which is worth studying .

  27. 幕府将军在300位被称为“大名(日本封建时代的大领主)”的封建领主的帮助下在全国范围内行使权力。

    And the shogun exerted his power throughout the land with the help of 300 feudal lords called daimyo .

  28. 晋宋不同的历史时期,幕府的作用方式和作用程度存在着明显的差异。

    There were significant differences between its effect modes and degrees in different history periods of Jin and Song Dynasties .

  29. 在1868年明治维新时期,日本推翻了半封建的幕府,建立了议会体制。

    In the Meiji Restoration of 1868 , it overhauled its semi-feudal shogunate , replacing it with a parliamentary system .

  30. 为浅野之死报仇是幕府明文禁止的,但对一些人来说,这无关紧要。

    Revenge for Asano 's death had been expressly forbidden by the shogun , but for some men this mattered little .