
  • 网络Charged particle detector;TOFW
  1. 大面积平面工艺Si带电粒子探测器研制

    Development of Large Area Si Detectors Based on Planar Technology for Charged Particles

  2. 电流是RPC这种平板气体带电粒子探测器稳定运行的一个重要指标。

    The current of RPC ( Resistive Plate Chamber ) detector indicates the stable of the running .

  3. 报道了BGO晶体作为带电粒子探测器的制作、测试结果,并在核物理实验中与Si(Au)穿透型探测器一起组成ΔE-E探测器望远镜,对带电粒子进行了鉴别。

    A Δ E-E telescope detector composing of a BGO crystal and a penetrated Si ( Au ) detector has been used to identify the charged particles in heavy ion experiments .

  4. 半导体带电粒子探测器的研制及其在空间物理中的应用

    Semiconductor Charged Particle Detector and Its Application in Space Physical Science

  5. 平面工艺空间带电粒子探测器的研制

    Development of planar technology space charged particle detector

  6. 能量分辨的低能带电粒子探测器

    Energy resolved low-energy charged particle detector

  7. 本文介绍一种空间半导体带电粒子探测器,扼要地叙述了仪器的设计原理,分析了仪器主要电子学线路&对数视频放大器。

    A semiconductor detector for measuring the charged particles in space is presented in this paper .

  8. 这些结论为带电粒子探测器关键参数的设计提供了一些新的理论和设计依据。

    These conclusions provide a novel theoretical and construction basis for the design and manufacture of high-performance charged particle detectors .

  9. 描述了用平面工艺+离子注入技术制备新型空间带电粒子探测器的工艺技术及器件的特性。

    The fabrication technology and performances of new type space charged particle detectors fabricated by using planar technology and ion implanted technique were described .

  10. GB/T5201-1994带电粒子半导体探测器测试方法

    Test procedures for semiconductor charged particle detectors

  11. 介绍了4π带电粒子多探测器系统,该系统由276个探测器单元组成,每个单元分别由快、慢塑料闪烁体、碘化铯晶体、硅半导体探测器所组成的望远镜构成。

    A 4 π multidetector array of measuring charged particle is described . It consists of 276 detector units , each unit composed of fast and slow plastic scintillator phoswiches , fast plastic scintillator and CsI ( Tl ) phoswiches and silicon detector telescopes .

  12. 描述了一个5×5阵列带电粒子PHOSWICH闪烁探测器望远镜结构。

    This paper describes a 5 × 5 Phoswich telescope detectors array .

  13. 用于带电粒子鉴别的BGO探测器

    BGO detector used to identify charged particles