
  • 网络Greek Civilization;Hellenic civilization
  1. 希腊文明给人最突出的印象是城邦(Polis),它是一种典型的城市文明,城市公共事务的发展和公民意识的成长培育了健康的“希腊精神”。

    Greek civilization was the polis civilization which was a typical city civilization . The developments of the common affairs and the growth of civil consciousness cultivated the healthful reek Spirits .

  2. 自然条件与古希腊文明的关系

    The Relation Between Natural Environment and The Ancient Greek Civilization

  3. 正是因为渴望成为英雄,亚历山大带领一小股部队穿过沙漠,袭击了巴比伦(babylon)波斯王统领的千军万马,而且在此过程中还把希腊文明传播到了印度。

    It was the desire to be a hero that drew Alexander to March his tiny army across the desert and attack the massed forces of the Persian king at Babylon and , by so doing , to bring Greek civilisation to India .

  4. 罗马人自由地借鉴希腊文明,但却更擅长于一些的领域——工程学、建筑学、讽刺文学和伦理学(稍后的时期里,禁欲主义通过埃皮克提图(Epictetus)和马克奥里利乌斯(MarcusAurelius)的著作在罗马达到顶峰)。

    The Romans borrowed freely from the Greeks but excelled in different fields - engineering , architecture , satire , and ethics ( the Stoic tradition peaked in Rome , a little later , with the writings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius ) .

  5. 希腊文明光辉灿烂的全盛时期(伊迪丝汉密尔顿)

    The radiant bloom of Greek genius ( Edith Hamilton )

  6. 在中世纪期间,希腊文明开始衰落直至衰败。

    During the middle ages , Greek civilization declined and became effete .

  7. 美索不达米亚遗产及其对希腊文明的影响

    The Legacy of Mesopotamia and Its Influence upon Greek Civilization

  8. 古希腊文明特征新论

    A New Discussion of the Special Features of the Civilization of Ancient Greece

  9. 谁能代表希腊文明&斯巴达?雅典?

    Which of the Two Can Represent Greek Civilization & Sparta or Athens ?

  10. 还有,希腊文明多么令人赞叹啊。

    And what a civilization is the Greeks ' .

  11. adj.疲惫的;枯竭的中世纪期间,希腊文明衰退且枯竭了。

    effete During the middle ages , Greek civilization declined and became effete .

  12. 它反映了,但没有超越文化价值的希腊文明。

    It reflected but did not transcend the cultural values of hellenic civilization .

  13. 希腊文明先于罗马文明。

    The Greek civilization precedes the Roman civilization .

  14. 略论古希腊文明中的东方因素

    Towards the Oriental Elements in Ancient Greek Civilization

  15. 我们在雅典待了一个星期,参见了古代希腊文明的奇观。

    We spent a week in Athens visiting the wonders of ancient Greek civilization .

  16. 海氏在追溯古希腊文明中,对存在给予了如此思考。

    Heidegger traces the ancient Greek civilization , the existence of such a thought given .

  17. 我的专业是古希腊文明。

    My specialty is ancient Greek civilization .

  18. 社会改革对雅典之成为古希腊文明中心的影响

    The Effect of the Social Reform on Athens 's Becoming the Centre of Ancient Greek Civilizations

  19. 正是由无数零散的蕞尔小邦才共同创造了整个璀璨的希腊文明,雅典城邦就是其中的杰出代表。

    It is numerous scattered tiny state that work together to create the dazzling Greek civilization .

  20. 同性恋的东西已经在考古的人工制品和古希腊文明的遗迹中被发现。

    Homosexual things have been found in the archeological artifacts and remains of ancient Greek civilization .

  21. 奥林匹克体育与希腊文明

    Olympic Sport and Greek Civilization

  22. 在希腊文明的全盛时期,人体艺术发展到顶峰。

    In the florescence of Hellenic civilization , the art of appreciating body went to its summit .

  23. 关于希腊文明,理查·瓦格纳(RichardWagnner)曾说过:音乐夺去了它的光辉,正如太阳之下爝火无光。

    Richard Wagner has said of the latter that it is absorbed by music as lamplight by daylight .

  24. 古希腊文明的本质是以公民集体为核心的城邦文明。

    The essence of ancient Greek civilization is the collective citizens of the city as the core of civilization .

  25. 他一生中的衰落时期在中世纪期间,希腊文明开始衰落直至衰败。

    In the twilight of his life . During the middle ages , Greek civilization declined and became effete .

  26. 他们为古希腊文明谱写了世界历史上科学发展的最辉煌的篇章。

    They scored the most glorious chapter of the science development in the world history for the antique civilization .

  27. 古希腊文明是西方文明的源头,她深刻影响着西方文明的发展;

    The western civilization is greatly influenced by Ancient Greek civilization , which helps the development of the western civilization .

  28. 整体论的思想古已有之,在古希腊文明中它以有机整体论的形式出现。

    Holism idea is of great age , it appeared in the form of organic holism in Old Greece Culture .

  29. 西方古典艺术主要源自于希腊文明,而希腊文明与爱琴文明具有密切关联性。

    Western classic art mainly comes from Greek civilization , and Greek civilization has a close relationship with Aegean Civilization .

  30. 希腊文明、罗马文明、拜占庭文明乃至伊斯兰文明共同刻画了大马士革如今的模样。

    The city is marked by several civilizations that had created it : Hellenistic , Roman , Byzantine and Islamic .